There is one big reason I come back to America. I love my daughter and honestly that’s reason enough. My most recently completed book could easily be labeled roman a clef which roughly translates to fiction where characters and situations are more or less the author’s fantasy or desires from life translated to the page. Novel…
Tag: America
It’s not a New America – It’s the same it always was
The first time Donald Trump was elected was a painful shock to many of us. The reason was hard to figure out at first, but ultimately it came down to the fact that we’d been lying to ourselves about what America represented, what it wants, and who it is. Don’t get me wrong, every person…
Extraordinary Vagabond – Ed Buryn – Vagabond King
Travel is not just moving over the earth from one place to another in some kind of conveyance. It’s not about where you’re going or how you’re getting there. It’s not about getting away from it all, at all. In fact, more the opposite … a way of getting to it all. Travel is a metaphor for life, a way of experiencing it more intensely and self-consciously. Traveling is not so much an action as an enlightened state of consciousness, opening you to fresh experience, to fresh looks at the world and yourself in it.
Social Insecurity and the Unpleasant American Dream
I’m certain that I’m not alone. I have no retirement plan. There is no windfall waiting for me. No inheritance or IRA sits patiently waiting for my time of need. I have enough debt to keep me awake at night from time to time. No social safety net protects me or my family from a…
The American Project
The American Project by Vago Damitio I’m considering a new direction and project in my life and work. I’ve never been keen on the American dream or being American (aside from the passport) – but as I get ready to come home and bring my immigrant family with me – I realize, maybe I never…