A thouroughly enjoyable read from Op-Ed News….I’ve only posted the first section…the whole thing is worth reading…
Reflections On Our Inner Bush: Corporate Monkeys In Our National House Of Mirrors
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts’ desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” — H.L. Mencken, Baltimore Sun, 1920
As Americans waddled into the new century, overweight, overworked, and as self aware as a cloister of sea slugs — so too arrived, affecting his bandy-legged, fake cowboy swagger, George W. Bush, to usher in this era of unquenchable, consumer craving and perpetual, martial emergency.
Currently, we watch as Bush vacillates between chest-puffing belligerence and jaw-gyrating fecklessness. Due to his hapless response to overwhelming events, some commentators have made comparisons to Jimmy Carter. Not true: Carter, as beset by tumult and contretemps as his administration was during the late 1970s, never resembled, as Bush does, a tweaked-out methhead in the throes of a full-blown Methamphetamine-induced psychosis.
There is little mystery as to why Bush is now beating a war drum, in time to that all-too-familiar election time, Rovian rag. Bush’s handlers are desperate: Recent polls have revealed that suburban males, Republican women, southerners, and even Christian fundamentalists are starting to have misgivings about Bush. Why? One would guess: Since Bush has proven himself incapable of changing Iraqi blood into cheap, ever-available oil, this has caused, for a portion of his base, the sheen of beatitude to come off Jesus’ earthly emissary.
The aura of despair leveling upon the country is undeniable … Not that there was a great deal of peace of mind previously here in The United States of Distractions. The act of being in perpetual flight from reality requires a great amount of energy; it’s quite a workout pushing down dread. We’ve been faking it for a while now. Over the years, our relentless selling of ourselves to the world became about as genuine as Bush’s forced smile when he’s in the presence of cameras or African Americans.
Baffled, mortified, by what we’ve witnessed during these Bush-afflicted years, we ask ourselves: How did this come to be?