I would imagine that everyone has an opinion on this. Some would say that it will never happen, some will say it has already happened. I say that the process is still underway. Here’s my recollection of the day the USA began to die…at least the day I lost my ooh-rah. I wrote this at…
The Dogcatcher Cometh
Another true life excerpt from the current version of Slackville Road that isn’t making it into the rewrite…great story…and totally true. The Dogcatcher Cometh by Vago Damitio I never bothered paying the $50 to license my dog with the city of Seattle. I wasn’t the best dog owner. I would make sure she had food…
God Hates Nothing So Much as a Bald Headed Woman
God Hates Nothing So Much as a Bald Headed Woman As a young boy, the preacher lady would sometimes force us to go to church with her when our folks were fighting. The Jehovah’s Witness bible is different than the other bibles but still set up in the same way. It has two columns per…
Me and God when I was a Child
I wrote this quite a long while back. I incorporated it into the 2009 version of Slackville Road which you can find here. It hasn’t made the cut in the rewrite that I’m sharing by email as a weekly serial though (you can sign up for that for free here) – but I still liked it,…
The Keys of the Riad – Done! I’m a Nanowrimo Winner
Just in case you were wondering where I got the inspiration for the novel I just finished…here you go. Great feeling to be done. Lots of work still to be done on it, but the first writing is the hardest part. Just getting it down on the page. This book has been quite a…
An Invitation from the Madman
I’d like to invite readers to join me for a thousand and one Sundays of reading and writing. I’ll write if you’ll read. If you’d like to join me, you can sign up at http://eepurl.com/rMijn but don’t worry, if you decide one Sunday is enough, you can unsubscribe with the click of a button. By the way,…
Announcing My Forthcoming Novel…. The Keys of the Riad
This is a funny thing to do, but it’s nice to have a blog that’s all about me so I can do this kind of balderdash. I’m still in Marseilles very much loving it, though to be honest, mostly just enjoying the fact that I’ve got this lovely apartment and the time to work and…
My Latest Book – Douchebags, Fags, and Hags – now available
I’ve finally published my latest novel. Douchebags, Fags, and Hags. You can find it for kindle here or in epub format here. Here’s the cover: This novel was a labor of love. The hard part, as with just about everything in my life, is doing anything when I’m trapped in Morocco waiting for my wife’s…
My Welcome to the Blogville House in Bologna, Italy
I was fortunate to get a detailed introduction to not only the house and the organizers of Blogville, Bologna , but also to some of the delicious products and treats.
Wisdom for Sophia – A poem for my daughter
Adventures to inspire my child, your child, Jules Verne, National Geographic, Sir Richard Burton’s stories – my stories. Tans-Siberian railroad – Russian steppes Race nomads – throat singers of Tuva. Meditation zen – top Fuji pedaling rickshaw with driver Passenger – secret pho. Cambodia Myanmar – Burma – Syu Kyi free, Ancient Wats -Chan villages…