I wonder if the price of real estate would go down if that happened? Flu pandemic could kill half million in U.S.-report – Yahoo! News
The porn princess, the Indian computer whizz and the poker bet that made $10bn
Guardian Unlimited | Online | The porn princess, the Indian computer whizz and the poker bet that made $10bn The porn princess, the Indian computer whizz and the poker bet that made $10bn
Japanese robot guards to patrol shops and offices – Yahoo! News
Wel-come to the fu-ture…..(robot voice) Japanese robot guards to patrol shops and offices – Yahoo! News
Biofuel increasingly competitive if oil surge lasts
This is cool. They are producing a fair amount of biodiesal on Maui. You can actually produce it in your closet….I’ll find the link for that… Biofuel increasingly competitive if oil surge lasts – Yahoo! News
The Great Hilo Escape
Big Island authorities are on a manhunt two inmates who made their escape from the Hawaii Community Correctional Center in Hilo with bed sheets. Authorities sent out a warning about the two men on the loose and considered dangerous. Hilo police are looking for Kyle Keola Quilausing, 31, and Ludivico Lazo, 35. Just before midnight…
House Approves Flag-Burning Amendment –
Funny that while our troops are supposedly fighting for democracy and freedom abroad…our lawmakers are restricting free speech here at home….not so funny really….bring the troops home to protect us from our own despots….. House Approves Flag-Burning Amendment – Yahoo! News WASHINGTON – The House on Wednesday approved a constitutional amendment that would give Congress…
Stupid Hawaii Criminal
Man caught in Manoa pushing a stolen van Police arrested a man after officers found him trying to push a stolen van down a Manoa street Monday night. The suspect, 32, told the officer the battery had died while he was driving along University Avenue near Maile Way about 10:50 p.m., according to police. He…
Lions to the Rescue
Lions rescue girl kidnapped for marriage Police say three lions rescued a 12-year-old girl kidnapped by men who wanted to force her into marriage, chasing off her abductors and guarding her until police and relatives tracked her down in a remote corner of Ethiopia. The men had held the girl for seven days, repeatedly beating…
Six-legged puppy dumped at temple
It seems like I do a lot of animal stories. What can I say? I like animals. Exspecially fluffy little six legged puppies with two dicks…and monkeys… Six-legged puppy dumped at temple Six-legged puppy dumped at temple PORT KLANG: A puppy with two extra legs and a second penis is drawing curious stares at a…
possum stows away to Hawaii
An uninvited visitor arrived in the islands this weekend. A possum stowed away on a Polar Air flight from Travis Air Force Base, Calif. “It’s actually, to my recollection, the first possum we’ve found. We’ve found other types of animals, snakes, or squirrels, or whatever. But, at least the first possum in quite a while,”…