( I was reading Esquire earlier and there was an article that argued that no one believes that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are actually in love. Guess what? I do. I don’t think it was a publicity stunt, I don’t think the church of Scientology engineered the romance to get media attention, I think…
What's a Ho?
Do you like Jeopardy? Did you see this? Just click on the link…. Whats a ho? If the link doesn’t imediately take you to the video look for it on the right side of the page it takes you to…
Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq, Afghanistan: BBC – Yahoo! News
( L & G, if you remember my bernestandgod podcast that covered this subject, NEVER trust someone who claims GOD told them something to tell you. and worse yet is when GOD tells them to kill. kill for the joy of killing, cheap oil, (which ironically never happens does it?) in defense, or any other…
hackwriters.com – On Being a Hobo -Rev Antonio Hernandez
(Yet another site I am planning on spending a lot of time with…cd) hackwriters.com – On Being a Hobo -Rev Antonio Hernandez A HOBO LIKE ME • Most Reverend Antonio Hernández, O.M.D., U.B. Dedicated to the Knights of the Road The Christian holidays are almost upon us, and their crass, clashing commercialism along with them….
River of Fireflies: to the well-off liberals
(Someone is speaking my language….cd) River of Fireflies: to the well-off liberals to the well-off liberals fuck you. sincerely. you soft, climate controlled, marbellized assholes.
Cloud Bird Trail
(This is a great website…It is my new favorite…very cool…cd) Cloud Bird Trail A waystation for wanderers, travellers, nomads, vagabonds, adventurers, outsiders and hobos.
The Smiley
Just so you know…here are some of the smileys and their meanings….cd The write way to say it There are as many emoticons as there are emotions, and then some. Here is a tiny sample: 🙂 Basic smiley 😉 Winking 🙁 Frowning :*) Drunk :-)~ Drooling >:-> Devilish :-& Tongue tied |-O Yawning/snoring :-/ Skeptical
Finger Length Predicts Aggression in Men
(My midle finger is quite long…wait, that’s not my finger…cd) Finger Length Predicts Aggression in Men Finger Length Predicts Aggression in Men By LiveScience Staff posted: 02 March 2005 03:40 pm ET Without pointing any fingers, a new study suggests a way to take the measure of tough characters. The research, done at the University…
Robbers Steal Jewelry Case From Store During Daytime
( I love brazen robberies….this is great. I hope the store was insured and the robbers get away…a great crime. cd) A brazen daytime jewelry store robbery was caught on tape at Pearlridge and has police turning to the public for help in catching the thieves. Cathay Kai Jewelry at Pearlridge Shopping Center has been…
Chris of the Day: Fr. Chris Riley
(Chris of the Day because he isn’t trying to convert people, he is just trying to help them…cd) Fr. Chris Riley started an orphanage in Banda Aceh after the tsunami. After a nationwide appeal for funds, he flew straight to the stricken region to see what he could do for help. Although he faced some…