Every once in a while I come across a commercial something or other that I think is pretty cool. I wish this place were closer to Hawaii. I’d like to check it out…If anyone lives nearby, take a trip and let me know what you find. Turns out they’ve found diamonds, a full suit of…
Pajama Party at the Sweatshop!!!
I think everyone should do this. Carpenters, waitresses, bus drivers….just make sure they don’t sleep in the nude before you invite them to come to work wearing what they sleep in…except for the Hooters girls… cd Watch the Video Employees at a South Korean company wear pyjamas at work once a month to stimulate creativity….
Walking the Walk …Not.
In yet another case of actions speaking louder than words, jobs were recently cut at a renewable energy research facility at just about the same time Bush is calling for increased research…the department of energy is trying to cover his ass by restoring the jobs before he visits the lab… Typical of the Bush administration…….
Baby Jesus Butt Plug
Bernest just sent me a link to this…I don’t where he is but he is obviously having fun… cd Baby Jesus Butt Plug When you woke up this morning you know that something was missin in your life. It wasn’t the new car, the new job, the boyfriend or the girlfriend. But now you know:…
'Millions more starving' by 2015
Incredible that this can still be the case while we spend how much in Iraq?? The world will have 100 million extra hungry people by 2015, scientists say. They were speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Despite great improvements in food availability in the 1960s and…
Calif. Woman, 62, Gives Birth to Baby Boy
Wow! That is really all I can say. I guess it really isn’t ever too late. It’s hard to tell for sure, but she looks pretty good for a 62 year old mother of 12, grandmother of 20, great grandmother of three. I just found another story online that says that in addition to being…
Ugly People more likely to commit crime.
Now that I’ve railed out against the fatties…it’s time to move on to the ugly. So this is why the prisons are full of ugly people, I would venture to say that judges and juries are more lenient against good looking criminals…put the ugly behind bars where we don’t have to see them…we should put…
Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Fatties!
I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time…STOP LETTING YOUR KIDS GET SO FUCKING FAT!! There is not much that pisses me off more than seeing a severely obese kid eating an ice cream cone while their parents watch on affectionately. Not only are those parents condemning their child to an early death,…
Looking for clickers….
Below is the ad that I put on craigslist that is generating a lot of traffic…. The funny part is, people are coming here, but they are obviously getting distracted by the great stories…cause they ain’t clickin… I just love that you guys are coming here. That was the point….lol. Maybe I need to give…
A renter hangs out in a closet – The Honolulu Advertiser
A craigslist ad for the rental of a walk-in closet here in lovely Kailua is causing consternation (as below). Creativity in small spaces is par for the course in desirable locations – this closet would probably be a palace by Manhattan or Aspen standards. In Aspen, I lived in the breakfast nook of a one-BR…