Okay…for the first time in my life…I wish I lived in Texas. Can Kinky make politics fun? I sure hope so…check out his homepage… http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/ There is hope if Friedman loses though… âI just want Texas to be number one in something other than executions, toll roads and property taxes,â? Friedman says. But if he…
The New National Pasttime- Killing the Homeless
Here is another fine example of something terrible going on in America… cd BOSTON – A homeless man sleeping in a park was attacked early Sunday by two men who kicked him in the stomach and then set him on fire, police said. No arrests were made and police gave no indication of what might…
Update on Incredible Fukn.US Essay Contest
Okay guys, a couple of questions came up and I want to make sure the answers are available. 1) What is the deadline for submitting esssays? Answer: Since the Winners will be announced April 14th. The deadline to get them to me is April 7th. That gives me a week to read them. If I…
Rains Leave Path Of Destruction in Hawaii
Hey, I know, it’s not a Tsunami or a Katrina…but this should make those of you who wish you were in Hawaii glad to have not been here for the past three weeks. The rain just doesn’t seem to stop and now even beautiful Kailua Bay is unswimmable because of the overflowing sewage…This is the…
'Hippie Chimps' Fast Disappearing in Congo
This story totally sucks. It’s bad enough that we kill each other. That we use AK-47’s on each other. That we massacre each other. I don’t know why this strikes me as so fucked up…sometimes I wish we would all just disappear from the planet. Imagine a world of french kissing, peaceful, love making Bonobos…….
'No One Could Have Anticipated …'
Prepare to be nauseated. Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about a blowjob, and we are just going to sit back and take this shit? “Have some more Soma, dear – I’m sure everything is under control…” There they sit, a whole room full of hurricane experts and disaster managers, shouting down a telephone line…
NYT – Anyone remember Samuel J. Tilden?
On March 2, 1877, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the 1876 presidential election over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, even though Tilden had won the popular vote.
INCREDIBLE FUKN US ESSAY CONTEST—FABULOUS PRIZES! NO ENTRY FEE! I am proud to announce on the spur of the moment THE INCREDIBLE FUKN US essay contest. The winner will win a gift certificate for $100 to Fuknbooks.com. Second Prize will be a copy of Rough Living: An Urban Survival Manual (signed by yours truly), and…
Simpsons 'trump' First Amendment
The right to own a pet??? Never ceases to amaze me how dense people can be. For the record, the rights are – speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances. Americans know more about The Simpsons TV show than the US Constitution’s First Amendment, an opinion poll says. Only one in four…
Gen-Aid Cloning products
I don’t know exactly what it is..but it’s a creepy way to start the day… cd Gen-Aid Cloning products – a photoset on Flickr Gen-aid provides all sorts of cloning products for your enjoyment.