She did it! Liberia finally requested formally that Charles Taylor be extradited for trial. Liberia has formally asked Nigeria to extradite former Liberian President Charles Taylor. A spokeswoman for Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo said he would put the request to other African leaders. A UN-backed war crimes tribunal in Sierra Leone wants to put Mr…
Donated clothing big business in Africa
This article talks about clothes from Britain, but American cast-offs definitely also get sold in bulk. I’m not sharing this to discourage donation of clothing, but don’t be naive enough to think that your trash is going to be lovingly hand-delivered to someone in need. Some charities may be able to do more good in…
White House open again for Adams
Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has had a far warmer reception in Washington than he did on his last St Patrick’s Day visit, when the doors of the White House were slammed in his face amid mounting criticism of the IRA. A year ago, America’s growing doubts about armed republicanism were crystallised by the response…
Chuck Norris Facts
Thanks to Tim for sending me this flash to my past. I had somehow forgotten that Chuck Norris is the baddest motherfucker on the planet…If the U.S. were smart, we would send him to solve our problems…Be sure to go to the link below where you can design your own Chuck Norris T-Shirt!!! cd Chuck…
Dambulla monkeys die mysteriously
First the Buddha Boy disappears and now the Dambulla Monkeys are dying…The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!!! cd Sri Lanka, 3 – 16 – 2006: Dambulla monkeys die mysteriously Mar 16, Colombo: Around 100 of the famous monkeys that live around the ancient rock temple of Dambulla have died…
The French are Protesting Again…
I love the French. I would move there but I don’t think anyplace cool allows Americans to emigrate anymore… cd Stone-throwing protesters clashed with police at the end of a march by several thousand university and high school students in Paris and later outside the Sorbonne university. A kiosk and a car were set ablaze…
Afghanistan's feared woman warlord
I’m fascinated by “bandit queens.” You may have heard of India’s famous Bandit Queen, Phoolan Devi. (A movie has been made of her life – it was well done, but difficult to watch. And Phoolan Devi herself sought to have it banned as inaccurate.) We featured a previous post on the women warriors of Darfur….
'Stored odours' nail China felons
A collection of deep-frozen human body odours is helping police dogs in eastern China track down criminals, the Xinhua news agency reports. Some 500 odours, sampled from criminals and from different crime scenes, are stored in the scent “bank” in Nanjing. The archived scents are then presented to police dogs for comparison with odours recovered…
Inuit critical of McCartney's campaign against seal hunt
Canada’s annual seal hunt is starting again. Animal activists are lamenting this year’s increased quota. I bet the fur is realllly soft. If it could be produced by culturing it in a laboratory, I would totally wear it. I volunteer to try out the first cultured-seal-fur coat…. In the meantime, how about someone coming up…
Anniversary of My Lai Massacre
Sorry to be a downer. This is today’s NYT “On This Day…” On March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War, the My Lai Massacre was carried out by United States troops under the command of Lt. William L. Calley Jr.