Well folks. Hopefully Spring means the rains are going to finally stop here in Hawai’i and that the mainland (and the rest of the world too) will start to have nicer weather. The New York Times had the following story about twenty getaways for Spring Break to shake off the winter doldrums. Any of them…
North Shore surfer survives shark bite – The Honolulu Advertiser
It continues to rain here nonstop. The runoff into the ocean carries “shark food.” Sharks have been spotted all over the place. If that doesn’t stop you from getting in the water, the box jellyfish are also out in force. And a tornado warning has been issued for Lana’i. We’re getting out of here and…
Cindy Sheehan on B***'s use of the word "volunteer"
If they “volunteered” to go get killed, can they unvolunteer? […Bush:] “Ours is an amazing nation where thousands have volunteered to serve our country. They volunteered to – many volunteered after 9/11, knowing full well that their time in the military could put them in harm’s way.” Notice how many times George says a variation…
Anti-gang noise box switched off
A noise nuisance device being used by shopkeepers to deter gangs of youths has been banned at a Newport shop – in case it breaches human rights. The Spar shop in Caerleon Road has been told by Newport Community Safety Partnership (NCSP) not to use it. The device, called a Mosquito, works by emitting a…
Will Durst Finds the Bright Side of Iraq
Will Durst is looking on the bright side of things with the Iraq War. A guy I used to know told me when this thing started that it would be great for other reasons. He said that war widows usually have lots of cash from insurance policies and are easy to pick up because they…
Hospital Dumps Homeless Woman onto Skid Row
If anyone isn’t familiar with Skid Row in Los Angeles, it’s a dumping ground for the poor and homeless so that tourists and rich people from the entertainment industry don’t have to deal with them. As an example, every year before the Academy Awards police round up the homeless in Hollywood and dump them in…
Skateboarding Dog
Okay…look at what was just posted at LooseScrew I don’t know how you train a dog to ride skateboards like this…but I definitely want to know the secret…. cd Video Here is Tyson the bulldog’s website.
Udown Update: Company's Logo Popping Up As Vandalism – Yahoo! News
You may remember me blogging about these guys a while back. Well, it turns out they are getting attention as far away as Iraq. On Oahu you can’t go a block without seeing one of the stickers. As a matter of fact, I have one on the laptop I’m typing this on….Nice job guys (and…
Seattle Doctor Killed by Botswanan Crocodile
Imagine. The guy goes through all this hell for the past couple of years. He redefines himself. He starts doing something that makes him happy and finds true joy in his life and his work. Then, from out of nowhere, a crocodile leaps up and drags him out of the canoe. I hope I am…
Wine and Porn go together like…well..like Wine and Porn
Two things about this story are great…the first is that her vintner is also the vintner to the Vatican. The second is that the author of the story feels the need to point out that she has never had the blessing of her Catholic parents for her decision to be a porn star. Don’t worry…