Grasscutters are really quite cute, as rodents go, and they are a very popular type of bushmeat in West Africa. “Bushmeat” may refer to just about any animal found while hunting, including monkeys. Bush hunting is being discouraged as animal populations are depleted. Farming grasscutters offers an environmentally sound and lucrative alternative. Teye Ocansey is…
Taylor pleads not guilty at trial
Well, it happened – Charles Taylor was arrested in Nigeria and sent to the UN Special Court in Sierra Leone. Echoing Saddam, he began by saying that he did not recognize the jurisdiction of the court. He eventually entered a “not guilty” plea. The trial may be moved to The Hague. It is acknowledged fact…
Customers, Movie Goers Overwhelmed By Mall Flood.
Mink and I are just back from Tahiti and it seems that the rains have not stopped in Hawaii while we were gone. This particular flood could have disasterous consequences as Morgan Beret is Mink’s favorite Lingerie store. I’m glad the employees all made it to safety. A little later we will post some pictures…
Christian Bookstores and Bias
Interesting article – this is exactly the problem I have with the Christian right. It’s so nice to hear someone being a Christian and actually acting like one! This is just an excerpt from the article – go to the link to read the rest. Peace, Bambi It is with a great deal of disappointment…
Google CEO, co-founders stick to $1 salary in 2006 – Yahoo! News
What a gesture! What have google shareowners done to recieve such self-sacrificing CEO’s? While I think being a responsible fair businessperson is admirable, I am about sick to shit of these psuedo-martyrs red herring the world into thinking that somehow giving up 200 million to build a billion is anything but what it is. Make…
Tom Jones never dies, he just gets more Welsh
Just try to get “stoned in love” outta your head. Actually he really does still have it (“it” having many interpetations.). The SOB is older than me! Bet he doesn’t need spermamax. Bernest Tom Jones
How do I get rid of all of this cocaine?
I always thought the feds *sold* it, but I guess not all agents are corrupt afterall… How Do I Get Rid of All This Cocaine? The secrets of drug disposal. By Melonyce McAfee Download the MP3 audio version of this story here, or sign up for The Explainer’s free daily podcast on iTunes. Experts from…
Tom Jones Knighted!!!
The Queen lifted the sword high, then gently lowered it to our hero’s shoulder……and her big smelly stained granny panties slid down into the cucumber stuffed velour pants of SIR TOM JONES. He’s still GOT IT!!!! Bernest