Sweden says it is considering a UN request to accept former Liberian President Charles Taylor as a prisoner if he is convicted of war crimes. He faces the charges in the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, which requested his trial be transferred to The Hague for security reasons. But the Dutch government said it…
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Take the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz” and get a lovely graph of where your beliefs fall on the political spectrum…. World’s Smallest Political Quiz
Cruise: Dad Abused Me
There is not much worse than an abusive father. I can’t help wondering if Tom’s dad used to beat him for jumping on the couch. I remember that my own dad used to tear into us about dinner manners and to this day my brother takes his shirt off before dinner and I eat with…
mexicans on the internet
i find the google zeitgeist site quite interesting. start clicking and see what your fellow world citizens are enthralled with. wow. is #9 really the love of custodians?Bernest Google Press Center: Zeitgeist Mexico – Popular Queries: February 2006 1. juegos 2. corazones 3. san valentin 4. smallville 5. lindsay lohan 6. tom welling 7. telcel…
The trip of a lifetime – psychedelic medical research
Psychedelics are being revisited as potential treatment for anxiety, PTSD, headaches, OCD, and other conditions. (I got a kick out of the comment that prescribers should first have to try the drugs themselves. Do people really think they haven’t??) Before 1960s’ Flower Power, LSD was a medical wonder drug – a supposed treatment for mental…
Award for Sierra Leone war novel
Maybe Charles Taylor can read this to pass the time in Pademba Road prison…. A novel about a child soldier in Sierra Leone has won the prestigious Orwell prize for political writing. Delia Jarrett-Macauley, a British writer whose parents are from Sierra Leone, was honoured for her novel, Moses, Citizen and Me. It is the…
Music Earns Black Hebrews Some Acceptance – Yahoo! News
Polygamous Black Vegan Jews for Israel. I am so there but I can’t sing…….BernestMusic Earns Black Hebrews Some Acceptance – Yahoo! News
Giant Methanol Cloud Discovered in Space
God this makes me want to have a drink. The Milkyway GalaxyAccording to the Australian online newssite ABC astonomers have spotted a cloud of alcohol in space that measures 463 billion kilometres across, a finding that could shed light on how giant stars are formed from primordial gas. The researchers led by Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith…
Kuwaiti women vote for first time
Polling is taking place in a Kuwaiti council by-election in which women are allowed to vote for the first time. Two women are also among eight candidates running for the seat in the Salmiya district, south of the capital. The 28,000 eligible voters, 60% of whom are women, are voting in segregated polling booths, a…