Bonobo baby Luebo (with his mother Lisala) was born three weeks ago at the Wuppertal Zoo in Germany. BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures
Chiropractors are a strange bunch to begin with. I used to rent from a chiropractor and the guy had an incredible fetish for big painful looking machines that his patients would wait weeks to be strapped into. Maybe all chiropractors are time travellers. If all chiropractors are time travellers and all time travellers are sadomasochists…
Judas Redeemed
  I always suspected that Judas was getting a bad wrap. I mean, he threw away the sheckels and then he hung himself. No wonder he was looking so disturbed at the last supper. If you ask me, it was a pretty crappy thing for Jesus to ask of him. If Jesus returns I…
Get Your Fukn Essays in….
Tomorrow is the deadline for the Fukn essay contest.
Cruel.Com: Big Moron on Campus
Cruel.Com: Big Moron on Campus An e-mail sent by Duke University lacrosse player Ryan McFayden on the evening three of his teammates are suspected of gang raping a stripper: To whom it may concern tommrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over to edens 2c. all are welcome.. however there will…
Drunk Man Breaks Into Home, Cooks Pork Chops, Passes Out
Glen Falls, NY (AHN) – Police arrested a New York man for breaking into an apartment and helping himself to pork chops while drunk. The 37 year old man from Glen Falls, New York is charged with burglary and criminal mischief. The resident of the apartment came home to find the man in his bathroom…
Uranus has a blue ring around it!!!!
We’ve been watching Uranus closely and it seems to need a bit of cleaning…. The newly discovered outer ring of Uranus is bright blue, for the same reason the Earth’s sky is blue — it is made up of tiny particles, astronomers said on Thursday. (Link)
Know someone who wants to join the military?
Be sure to send them here before (or after) they sign the contract. cd The Objector: Home of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Speaking of Anus
Have a look at this picture….Made up of many different anusi. the Big Anus (thanks to
Hunt for karate legend goes cold
This sounds like a movie. Three Singaporeans on a mission to find a karate legend have been found huddled in an abandoned car on a north Japanese mountainside, local media reports say. One of the Singaporeans told police in Hirosaki his dying father had told his group to seek the master. Thirteen people had set…