It is enormously distressing to watch the sausage-making that passes for the world’s attempt to do something about the carnage in Darfur. The United Nations is still dawdling over plans to replace the African Union force currently there with a well-armed U.N. peacekeeping force. An attempt last week by the United Nations’ top official on…
Tarzan's chimp Cheeta reaches 74
Cheeta the chimpanzee, who appeared in the Tarzan movies, has attended a party to celebrate his 74th birthday. Cheeta is kept by US primate sanctuary owner Dan Westfall, who was given him by an uncle who was a Hollywood animal trainer in the 1930s. The chimp, who appeared opposite Johnny Weissmuller in 12 films, is…
218 Trillion Dollar Phone Bill
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A Malaysian man said he nearly fainted when he recieved a $218 trillion phone bill and was ordered to pay up within 10 days or face prosecution, a newspaper reported Monday Yahaya Wahab said he disconnected his late father’s phone line in January after he died and settled the 84 ringgit…
Paper Says Lions to Protect Pregnant Jolie's Privacy
WINDHOEK (April 10) – Pregnant Hollywood siren Angelina Jolie and boyfriend Brad Pitt have taken refuge in a remote Namibian game lodge where wild lions will help protect them from the media, a Namibian newspaper said on Monday. The celebrity couple and their two adopted children Maddox and Zahara arrived in the southern African country…
Poison plant fuels suicide bids
This is fascinating not only because it highlights how susceptible people can be to suggestion, but also for what it says about the pharmaceutical industry. Sri Lanka can’t afford to purchase the antidote for these poisonings, because it is priced for the American market (about $3,000 a dose) where it is used to counteract the…
Happy Face Opens Up
The Gods are smiling. Life is good. Have a happy day. cd. Image of the Day: Happy Face Opens Up
Baby bonobo at German zoo
Bonobo baby Luebo (with his mother Lisala) was born three weeks ago at the Wuppertal Zoo in Germany. BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures
Chiropractors are a strange bunch to begin with. I used to rent from a chiropractor and the guy had an incredible fetish for big painful looking machines that his patients would wait weeks to be strapped into. Maybe all chiropractors are time travellers. If all chiropractors are time travellers and all time travellers are sadomasochists…
Judas Redeemed
  I always suspected that Judas was getting a bad wrap. I mean, he threw away the sheckels and then he hung himself. No wonder he was looking so disturbed at the last supper. If you ask me, it was a pretty crappy thing for Jesus to ask of him. If Jesus returns I…
Get Your Fukn Essays in….
Tomorrow is the deadline for the Fukn essay contest.