56 miles of bras! NICOSIA (Reuters) – Women on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus say they are poised to create the world’s longest chain of up to 100,000 bras to heighten breast cancer awareness on April 30. A group of Dutch, British and Cypriot organizers plan to create a 90 km-long chain (55.9 mile) string…
Dead dolphins found in Zanzibar
A friend of mine just bought a backpackers’ hostel in Zanzibar. It looks like just about one of the most gorgeous places on earth and I can’t wait to visit. Hopefully this mass dolphin stranding won’t have too much impact on their growing tourism industry. And what a bummer about all the dead dolphins –…
Bush pans Spanish Star Spangled Banner
This is the most ridiculous thing ever!!! Can you believe these guys push all this patriotic bullshit on all of us Americans, no matter what language we speak, and then when Spanish speaking Americans want to put the National Anthem into words that can swell their patriotism, then these fascist fuckers bring up their English…
Mexico to decriminalize pot
North America is suddenly becoming a much cooler continent. It’s like a constant struglle between the red states and everything that surrounds them. Canadian, Mexican, and Blue States Rally, we will crush the religious fanatics, disempower the fascists, and create a better sort of continent! Or, at least we can go smoke weed in Mexico…
Cruelty to Lobsters
It’s a good thing the animal rights lovers didn’t have dinner with me and Mink Hippie on my birthday. She took me to an incredible fukn sushi place that had me select a lobster and then to my surprise they pulled out a cleaver and killed it in front of us, pulled the meat out…
New York Killers, and Those Killed, by Numbers – New York Times
About 70% of murders get solved. Killings are most likely to happen outdoors between 1 and 2 AM.  Mosts murderers and victims know each other, but instances of stranger killings have been slowly increasing for decades. I just love this stuff. Check out the interactive map. The oldest killer was 88; he murdered his…
Snow becomes new Press Secretary
Jon Stewart summed it up on The Daily Show recently just about perfectly. “Imagine, a FOX news reporter telling the public what the administration wants them to hear. Shocking!” cd THE US president George Bush named the newscaster Tony Snow as the new White House press secretary yesterday, in his latest move aimed at shaking…
For bloody shnizzle, my pizzle!
Snoop uses the car company I drive for on occaision. There is a funny story of how he and one of our drivers, an older woman, became pretty good friends while he was visitiing Hawaii for a couple of weeks. When she was escorting him through security she recieved a phone call from her husband…
'Lost' actress opts for jail time over community service
She doesn’t look very sorry, does she? (BTW sorry for the screwed up formatting on my posts this week – I’m in Atlanta and having trouble with this !@#$! computer….) KANE’OHE — Declaring her life an open book, “Lost” actress Michelle Rodriguez admitted she drove drunk and accepted jail time yesterday, but not before detailing…
Police hunt Leone 'killer chimps'
The alpha-male, Bruno, who led the attack threw stones at me when I visted the sanctuary! Of course, the Pakistani UN soldiers that were also visiting were taunting the chimps… Bruno was magnificent and I can’t help but be a little psyched for him that he got some revenge. It’s tough, because if he were…