Maybe I am preverted but I wouldn’t leave these unsupervised around my houseguests.Or maybe its my houseguests? B.E.Generate
Wine competition pits France v US
Now there’s something you don’t frequently hear about… a team of French wine experts in 1976 declared California wines better than French! For that year, anyway. But they haven’t dared to repeat the challenge since!! Personally, I like both, but for you competitive types, there is going to be a rematch…. Wine experts in London…
Hirst statue unveiled in London
I first saw Damien Hirst’s work at the Brooklyn Art Museum in an exhibit that Rudy Giuliani tried to shut down. I still have the “Danger:Art” magnet promoting the show on the refrigerator. Hirst’s piece in that show was a dead cow displayed in slices. The exhibit also included Chris Ofili’s madonna decorated with dung,…
Bonnie and Clyde died today in 1934 – NYT
On May 23, 1934, bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were shot to death in a police ambush as they were driving a stolen Ford Deluxe along a road in Bienville Parish, La.
Drunken Monkeys
If it’s good for the monkeys, it’s good for the man. Just not for the man who was pulled over with blood alcohol 18 times his legal limit at 7.27 grams per liter cd BUDAPEST (Reuters) – Monkeys and apes in Budapest’s Zoo drink their way through 55 litres of red wine each year, albeit…
God it was me…
I feel much better now and everything is not askew. Whew. I apologize for my out burst. Have a nice day everyone. B.E.
Is it my glasses or is the godamn site collapsing?
Please help me if this is just happening in my head but is this site, imploding? Is the future so kinetic that is is headed straight up my poop shoot? And why can’t anyone comment on my posts? Did I do that? Sweet Jesus, I am going to bed. B.E.
These people are nuts. But it is interesting….
Be sure to check out the great offer on Android fingers “over 50 parts per finger!” The site is a real occular juggler to boot. By the by, this is Valerie, a domestic android. Nice ass for a bucket of bolts…B.E.Android20World20-20anthropomorphic20robots202620animatronics
The Incredible Shrinking Palestine
I thought this was a well written and informative op-ed… The incredible shrinking Palestine.Israel is whittling away at Palestinians’ land again, but it needs the U.S. to sharpen the knife.By Sandy Tolan, SANDY TOLAN’S most recent book is “The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East.” THE HISTORY of…
water fueled cars?
I read a little bit more about this and it looks like the technology is far from making vehicles water powered, but in the meantime it looks very promising for doing things like running nuclear power plants. Pretty interesting stuff. The Technology A unique type of hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture Our technology centers on the…