Thanks to Chuck for sending this story our fukn way. Check out the video. cd New Scientist Tech – Powered shoes – perfect for a virtual stroll – Breaking News A pair of motorised roller skates that cancel out a person’s steps could let users naturally explore virtual reality landscapes in confined spaces. The “Powered…
Tight Pants
Thanks to Allison for sending me this photo with the following caption. “This is really unfortunate. Seriously girls, he is taken! ”
Need a domain name for your blog?
I’ve got a couple of domain names that I’m not using and am willing to part with. They are: They are registered with . If anyone wants to make me an offer on them email me at
Flocking to the Coast: World's Population Migrating into Danger
This study is especially troubling after watching Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth the other night with Mink Hippie. The movie was terrifying and possibly the most important thing you will ever watch in a theatre. It doesn’t matter if you are on the left or the right, the information and the science in the movie…
Another compelling argument to use the Love Glove
Unsafe sex common among female drug users with HIV – Yahoo! News NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Many women in the United States who are injection drug users and are also infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, do not routinely use condoms with their uninfected regular partners or with casual sex partners, according…
Merrill Markoe: Seducing Kim Jong Il: A Sort of Easy Path to Peace
Ah yes, it is not just me that is fascinated by the illustrious life of Kim Jong Il…the following post by Merrill Markoe offers the surest path to peace with North Korea. Kim Jong Il is nothing if not vain. I’m sure that this would please his ego…of course when I listen to North Korean…
In the Good News department, dogs are still Man's best friend!
I’ve certainly been accused of putting up a bunch of depressing stories, but I’ve got a heart. In these trying times of tsunami’s, war in the middle east, African genocide, and the Shanananapocolyse, it’s touching to see that good remains in the hearts of dogs. Go out and pet a dog today. It will make…
Yeti Skin Rug
Nothing says luxury like a Yeti Skin rug… cd Debra Swann (Artist) in London (United Kingdom) from
Dude, lets trip and pretend we are trolls…it'll be fun…..oh shit!
This story is a good example of why friends don’t let friends trip on LSD and menace the general public. cd Rocky Mountain News: Local As if Boulder isn’t odd enough already, now it has bridge trolls. Two men recently attempted to charge people a dollar to cross a bridge in a park near the…
Lebanon and Israel Conflict
I look at what is happening and shudder as I think of how many innocent people will die as a result of this ideological conflict….I look at the media and I wonder what the truth is…and suddenly I remember the blogosphere….Here are reports and thoughts, dreams and viewpoints from Lebanon (Lebanese Bloggers) Siege of Lebanon…