My name is Chris Damitio aka The Chairman of the Fukn Bored. When I first heard about Kyle McDonald, the guy that traded a paperclip for various items until he reached his goal of a house, I was stoked. I had written about using the same ideas in Rough Living: An Urban Survival Manual ,…
What are the Scandanavians doing? How can we do it too?
No doubt about it, the mystery of the vikings lingers….how did the Vikings become the dominant force in Europe and why did they suddenly just stop and become peace loving nations? Whatever the answer is, I feel certain that it contains clues as to why the Scandanavian countries are among the happiest in the world….
Woman in doghouse over Jehovah's Witness sign
Back after a few days away…in looking at the news this morning, I was surpirsed to see the story below. I added the picture as a more effective and less hate targeted deterrent… cd LONDON (Reuters) – A British woman has been ordered by police to take down a sign on her garden gate which…
Oops! I should have used a trucker hitch on that missile!
A missile fell off a truck and onto a New York highway on Friday, but the weapon did not have a warhead and posed no danger, police said. WCBS radio reported it was a Tomahawk cruise missile. Police and fire department officials could not confirm that. The cargo came loose when the truck carrying it…
It's Wedding Bells for Kim Jong Il…Congratualtions Lil Kim!!!!
Wow. I feel like a proud parent. I need a hankie…My lil Kim all growed up…again.. cd North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has taken a musician-turned-secretary as his new wife after his former spouse died of cancer two years ago. Kim Ok, 42, lived with the reclusive North Korean leader who turned 64 in February…
At swinging convention, sex is on everyone's mind
Hey, if this is the kind of thing that floats your boat…you might as well go for it. It beats cheating on your wife at some lake in Hungary. Check out this from the organizer of the event theough…he is 72. “I’ve never been a big swinger, that’s not the point,” McGinley said. “What I…
Vegas flight passengers, crew quarantined
I’ve seen this movie recently. They are forgetting about the businessman who manages to rush off the plane so he can make it home to see his three daughters before they go to big rock concerts… cd A section of the Las Vegas airport was closed for several hours after a flight arrived from Denver…
How to Stop Laughing when You Laugh at Inappropriate Times – WikiHow
Maybe you’ve seen the episode of coupling that focuses on this….don’t’s the giggle loop…like this guy below…he should never ever laugh… cd Giggle Loop (Jeff) “You are surrounded by people for a moment of silence when the Giggle Loop begins… “Suddenly out of nowhere this thought comes into your head: the worst thing I…
U.S. Bombs are being Used In Lebanon
If you take just a second to think about it, that means that U.S. workers are creating bombs to drop on Lebanon. Next add in the tax dollars that are used to subsidize,overpay, and keep the arms companies in business. I wonder how many people out there realize that they are working 40+ hours a…
Broken wine bottles, trashed boats…1500 year old Byzantine Port is almost Modern
That’s Istanbul not Constantinople…looks like my yahoo email is working again. Now that it has also been completely excavated…stick to cd ISTANBUL, Turkey – It seems a typical scene of urban decay: abandoned buildings, crumbling walls, trash and broken wine bottles. Yet it’s more than 1,500 years old. Engineers uncovered these ruins of an…