You guys might have noticed that our right sidebar has crashed. We are going through a server upgrade and yours truly tried to modify the sidebar only to find out that no modifications stick at the moment. I should be able to restore it in a day or two. It gives me great pleasure to…
The Rise of Slim (how our oceans are changing)
This is a five part series in the LA Times on the state of our ocean – very informative and well worth the time to read. The first of the series started yesterday and described how the run-off from fertilizer (and other pollutants) are “fertilizing” the oceans with basic building blocks of life that are…
From Israel to Lebanon
Matthew sent me this link this morning. Warning. It is graphic. This is what American tax dollars are contributing to.
Spooky Sunday TV Face
I was browsing around and found this gallery of ghost photo’s at About…this one is my favorite… cd
Woman sought in Magic Cheese scam
For the record, I LOVE cheese, but $500 “Magic Cheese” that makes you younger?? Even I wouldn’t fall for that…. Actually, the people buying the stuff didn’t need to believe in the benefits. The Chilean buyers believed they were fermenting the “Cheese” in order to sell it to the French. So, they just needed to…
Man accused of biting off rooster's head on Yahoo! News
Personally, I think people should be allowed to bite the heads off roosters if they want to. The alternative would seem to be outlawing the killing of chickens and roosters and making the eating for their flesh illegal. I wouldn’t mind if that happened, but short of that, I think people should be able to…
My Bad Boss Contest
You guys may remember a little while ago when I told you about the ‘My Bad Boss’ contest. Well, our friend Melissa Dylan is one of the finalists. Have a look at her story here and be sure to vote for her, she is currently in second place. Why should you vote for her? Well,…
It’s that time of the year again when I want to clear off my shelves, make some extra money, and make my fuknbooks, your fuknbooks! Every book or package at Fuknbooks is a whopping 50% off. Send me a list of what you want and I will email you an invoice from paypal. First come…
Look Ma, No Hands!!!!
Chuck sends me this mind blowing article…click on the link and read the whole thing…we are living in the future…wow! cd Future Boy: This is your brain on Google SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) – — Two years ago, a quadriplegic man started playing video games using his brain as a controller. That may just…
Passion of the Christ revisited…..
Bummer for Mel Gibson. I imagine it isn’t as hard to suffer the humiliation and personal shame of a DUI when you can afford good lawyers, but then again, maybe it’s worse. When I had my DUI back in the 90’s, I didn’t have the money for a lawyer and yet made too much to…