At the moment, we have visited all the Italian Restaurants in Kailua. Here they are. All of them are good. There will be a few new ones soon… 1. Peppino’s Italian Food-(23 Hoolai St, ph (808)262-5833) My personal favorite. Best Pizza in the Pacific. Low key, tasty, bring your own wine, won’t break any budget….
Approval for Trade #3 —The Red Devil for PEZ!!!!! Not…trade scratched
I’ve had some great offers for the Red Devil of R.A. Miller. I was offered a car, a mobile home (without land), 3 months free room and board in Indiana, a set of rare german beer glasses, a sparkly pen, a couple of old computers, and lots of other stuff. The thing is, I really…
India tries to chase monkeys from trains – Yahoo! News
They look pretty nice to me, but apparently they scare the hell out of Monkeys…they look sort of like those little pencil trolls…don’ t you think? cd NEW DELHI – In an effort to keep monkeys out of the New Delhi subways, authorities have called in one of the few animals known to scare the…
Stephen King and John Irving urge Rowling not to kill Harry
I vote for killing him…. NEW YORK — Offering no hints about the fate of Harry Potter, author J.K. Rowling said Tuesday that she is “well into” the seventh and final book in her series and predicts, “Some will loathe it, some will love it, but that’s the way it should be.” In her first…
Winners of July Contests!!! Win Strange stuff in August!!!
The results are in and the winners of Julys contests are as follows….. 1) For best comment of the month…the winner is “J” for his comment on the picture Allison sent in “Tight Pants” His comment was ” Heh, is that a Corona he’s got in his hand? Nothin’ finer than a Corona and a…
The Chuck Norris Bridge?
Those crazy Hungarians are at it again…what will they do next? First a porno philanderer tourism campaign and now the Chuck Norris bridge…. cd BUDAPEST (Reuters) – A new bridge in Hungary could be named after Hollywood action movie actor Chuck Norris unless the trend turns in an Internet vote organised by the Economy Ministry….
Update: Skateboard for a house…not trade scratched…
UPDATE 8/2/06 I have accepted an offer from Susan Johnson in Alaska. She is trading her lifetime collection of PEZ dispensers for the RA MILLER Red Devil. Send your offers for the PEZ dispensers to Well, I have been getting some interesting offers, so far I’ve gotten offered a 1985 Chevy Cavalier with some…
Here are some great links from Allison that Incredible readers will probably enjoy…. 1) Nitpickers-Â Are you the kind of person that loves it when you notice a digital watch in a Western? Hate it? You’ll love this site 2) Roadfood- The most memorable local eateries along the highways and back roads of America…
Castro relinquishes power before surgery
I gotta say that young Raul looks up to the challenge. He looks positively chipper in the photo below. There has been a lot of speculation that Cuba will undergo huge change after Fidel is gone, but don’t count on it. Cuba is the most successful country in the Americas in many regards. Cuba may…
Sunday in Hawaii, Trees, snot, stars, canoes, and Superheroes
Grossology Had a very nice weekend and found some great things to let Hawaiichicken readers know about. Saturday evening we had dinner at a GREAT Indian restaurant in Waikiki. India Cafe. The samosa’s were great, the spicy shrimp sambal was spicy and delicious, the dosai were amazing, and really everything was great. Tiny place, great…