I totally approve of this kind of thing but wouldn’t really want to go. I’m a solo wanker. Of course, not everyone is, and it does solve the problem of masturbation being lonely. I think it was Robert A. Heinlein that said when touting the benefits of masturbation that it is clean, safe, fun, and…
I knew they were talking about me.
The Reverend is paranoid, if anything, considering he contends with unseen forces for a living. But here these two old ladies were obviously not thrilled with my many talents. And even when I got closer the feeling didn’t entirely dissipate… The artist’s name is Ron Mueck, yahoogle his name and see more wild stuff.
Amanda UnBoomed
I was very bummed to go over to RocketBoom and find that Amanda Congdon is no longer hosting the daily V-log. You can check out what happened and the continuing adventures of Amanda at her blog below. It seems to be a typical case of success causing a ‘friend’ to ditch everything that isn’t in…
Just when global warming is gaining some credibility…..
Now nobody is going to believe it is happening…what next? cd Heat converts Bush ally Robertson on global warming Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said on Thursday the wave of scorching temperatures across the United States had converted him into a believer in global warming.
Paris: 'Who's Tony Blair?'
She is morbidly fascinating. I can’t stop watching – even though we are boiling ourselves and the entire planet alive – like frogs… “Ah, the heats’s not so bad – what’s Paris doing now?” (Thanks, Terry.) Celebrity rich girl Paris Hilton has demonstrated her grasp of world affairs by asking: “Who’s Tony Blair?” The hotel…
Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan: There is No Clash of Civilizations but a Clash between the Mentality of the Middle Ages and That of the 21st Century
Beth sent me this video link to an interview with Arab-American psychiatrist Wafa Sultan. It was recorded in February 2006. I find it interesting that Al Jazeera aired her views – I thought they were more one-sided. She pillories the Muslims for being trapped in an old-fashioned mentality of violence that isn’t ultimately going to…
'James Tiptree Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon,' by Julie Phillips – The New York Times – New York Times
I never even heard of this guy… I mean woman… I mean, er, author. And I fancied myself a bit of a science fiction buff. “Tiptree” (really Alice Sheldon) corresponded with Philip K. Dick, Ursula Le Guin and Harlan Ellison! Julie Phillips biography of Tiptree/Sheldon sounds like a fun read. Ms. Phillips actually opens âJames…
Muslims don't want to have fun in Britain….
Hey, I know a lot of Muslims and they like to have fun as much as anyone. Perhaps, though, their idea of fun isn’t going to a themepark…or maybe Muslims in Britain are just not as into having fun as Muslim’s I’ve known in other lands. It wouldn’t surprise me. While I was in England…
Hey Senators, you can call them French Fries again….'Death to Freedom Fries!"
Apparently, the powers that be have realized that it’s idiotic to call French Fries anything but French Fries. Personally, I think this is all an attempt to save face as the Ayatollah in Iran makes similar changes. What has been happening is certain parties are claiming in Iran that their language is being infused with…
Baptismal Thoughts
by Reverand Earl @ 9:14 pm.Edit This Filed under uncategorized Alright, thanks to the Chairman for all his fukn work making this a fukn fun place to spread the gospel. As Reverend, the hatch, match, and dispatch gig is so routine I have plenty of time to think. Recently I was invited to perform a…