I don’t want to jinx this by talking about it yet, but I have just agreed to a very cool trade. I’m crossing my fingers. I’ll let you know about it as soon as it is solid.
Pedro gets his Special Internet Law Degree
As a man of the cloth it is often my duty to remain above the fray, and if I must descend to enter the fracas to always point out there are two sides to every story and we’re all God’s children, and that we all have problems. Of course, some of us are more handicapable…
Katherine Harris…Queen Bitch of the Chads…
You remember this Bushy Bitch, right? cd Published August 10, 2006 The smallest things would set her off. Buying the wrong candy for her to toss at parades. Photographing her vertically instead of horizontally. Failing to bring her favorite Starbucks beverage (extra hot venti triple latte, no fat, no foam, one SweetâN Low). One minute,…
Book-lovin' hobo sues bum-hatin' library
Being homeless comes with any number of inconveniences, not the least of which is the boredom that comes with having nowhere to go and nothing to do. Until recently, hobos in Massachusetts used to be able to check out library books. Robert Bombard has loved books even longer than he’s been homeless. He worked at…
Unabomber Garage Sale
Sploid, News With a Tabloid Mentality In a desperate bid to hang onto his fading fame, 1990s serial killer Ted Kaczynski is holding a crazy online auction. The virtual garage sale, which was authorized by the U.S. District Court in California on Thursday, will benefit the families of Kaczynski’s victims. Items offered from his mountain…
Sharpest Manmade Object Ever: A Tungsten Needle – Gizmodo
Sharpest Manmade Object Ever: A Tungsten Needle – Gizmodo The picture you’re looking at on the left is the tip of a tungsten needle, which happens to be the sharpest object ever made by man. How sharp is it? Well, you see those red and black orbs? Those are ATOMS! And the tip of the…
Mt. Olomana- The Matterhorn of Oahu!
For those of you who are curious, I have begun blogging Hawaiian adventures, restaurants, hikes, and life at my Hawai’i specific site, HawaiiChicken.com I will endeavor to post a few things from there, here now and then. cd Hawaii Chicken » Mt. Olomana- The Matterhorn of Oahu! Today I got together with my friends Ryan…
Breakfast, Pedicures, Chinatown, Zoo
Every day can be like a vacation if you know how to let go and enjoy yourself. It also helps if you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck or a desk that you are chained to. In any event, yesterday was like a vacation day even though Mink Hippie and I both had…
Garage Sales and Kayaking
It was a relaxing weekend on Oahu. Saturday morning we cruised Kailua garage sales looking for hidden treasure. We found a poster, a kali nightlight, a funky mirror, some oil pastels, and this creepy crocheted toilet seat cover with half a doll’s face crocheted into the center. It was a dollar at an old Portagee…
Volcanoes set to release Jazz albums–claim to be the real Bitches Brew
After listening to the musical stylings of both volcanoes (click the pix to hear for yourself) I called in my vote for Tungurahua… Active volcanoes are being made to “sing” by researchers who convert seismic data into frequencies audible to human ears. Although the volcanoes are unlikely to sell many records, the technique could make…