Just when you think that lame airline security isn’t doing anyone any good, it turns out to be helping homeless families and the homeless who want to be hygenic. Support the homeless being hygenic. It’s good for them, it’s good for you, it’s good for everyone. cd EUGENE, Ore. — Toiletries discarded at the airport…
Breaking News: 9 months lost at sea!
This is epic. I hope that pictures of the boat they were on become available soon. Other details remain to be found out, things like..were there other people on board? Were they eaten? That kind of thing… cd SAN BLAS, Mexico (Reuters) – Three Mexican fishermen have been rescued after drifting for about nine months…
Pussy Bling Bling
ALEXANDRIA, Ind. – This cool cat has traded in his catnip for some bling. Sebastian, a one-year-old Persian with long black hair, sports gold crowns on his two bottom canines, which grew sticking out from his lips in an underbite similar to a bulldog’s. His owner, dentist David Steele, said he gave Sebastian gold crowns…
Hungry Sparrows sing the saddest songs
Sparrows deprived of food early in life are unable to learn the songs that attract elite mates, researchers say. If the fledglings lack adequate nutrition, the part of the brain that helps them to learn, reproduce and recognise songs fails to develop properly, a new study shows.The poorer repertoire that results is a signal to…
Dutch plan orangutan web dating
As big fans of Honolulu’s Rusti and Violet (the happy new orang couple at the Honolulu Zoo), we’re pleased to see that other orangs are on their way to finding bliss. A zoo in the Netherlands plans to set up a webcam to help its orangutans form long-distance relationships with potential mates in Indonesia. The…
Bible Quiz, FFRF, Inc.
I scored 20 points. Mink Hippie wallopped me with 22. Obviously, we are not Christians. (Thank God!) How will you do? Have fun. cd Bible Quiz, FFRF, Inc. What Do You Really Know About The Bible? The bible is the “best seller” that is rarely read. How much do you actually know about the so-called…
David Copperfield says he's found Fountain of Youth – Yahoo! News
Ponce De Leon would be totally pissed if he were alive, imagine trudging through the swamps of South Florida looking for it only to find out that David Copperfield would find it on a Paradise Island. Long ago, Bernest Ernstein and I were in St. Augustine and seeking the mystical fountain of youth when we…
A shitty thing to do…(in two acts)
Now in the realm of disgusting acts, this one takes the cake, you have to wonder about the psychology behind how it came about. The Scene: The 3rd floor apartment of a stoned loser. The Cast: Stoned Loser, Fat Chick 1, Fat Chick 2 Stoned Loser: Man, I wish I had some money. I need…
Modest Needs® – Home
If you have ever been helped out and wanted to return the favor to someone else, or you just want to help someone else, this is the way to do it. Have a look. This is a very cool operation. It operates without any help from the government and as such it’s total expenditures are…
Saved by the Breast!
That’s it, if I go to a warzone, I’m getting breast implants first. Who cares if they look funny? cd An Israeli woman’s breast implants saved her life when she was wounded in a Hizbollah rocket attack during Israel’s war with the Lebanese group, a hospital spokesman said Tuesday. Doctors found shrapnel embedded in the…