SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday signed into law a bill that aims to make the state one of the world’s biggest producers of solar energy.The bill, which cleared the state Senate last week, calls for the installation of 1 million rooftop solar panels on homes, businesses, farms, schools and public…
Tom and Jerry Go Cold Turkey
It looks like Tom and Jerry (not to mention Barney and Fred, Yogi and Booboo) all have to give up smoking. Next thing you know they will ban those great candy cigarettes and the gum cigarettes with paper wrappers that look like smokes and blow a puff of sugar our when you exhale through them….(’s…
On This Day – NYT
On Aug. 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed an executive order proclaiming Hawaii the 50th state of the union.
Nepali women strip and plough to appease rain gods
By all means, appease the rain gods women! Appease the war gods! Appease all the gods! cd KATHMANDU (Reuters) – Dozens of Nepali women stripped naked and ploughed their fields in west Nepal, hoping to appease the gods and get some much needed rain, a newspaper report said on Sunday. About 50 women in two…
'No swastikas' for Nato mittens
Not often one sees “NATO” and “mittens” in the same story…. Not to mention “swastika”….. Latvians have been asked to knit mittens as gifts to delegates at a Nato summit later this year – but without a traditional swastika motif. Local craftspeople have been asked to make the mittens in an attempt to showcase Latvian…
Milosevic's unclaimed millions can't tempt his heirs out of hiding
Milosevic applied for legal aid during his trial, claiming poverty. By law, his heirs have to launch legal action if they wish to take possession of their inheritance. Yet his son, Marko, and his widow, Mirjana Markovic, are both on the run: wanted in Serbia for fraud, they are believed to have fled to Russia….
Take the Amazing "Reading Test"
Check it out (click on the link…). [Thanks, Terry!] Reading_Test.jpg (JPEG Image, 575×600 pixels)
eBay: 1982 World's Fair PEZ, Ultra Rare! Astronaut Green Stem (item 140018612889 end time Aug-27-06 19:00:00 PDT)
“Spectacularly unique” dispenser worth $100,000????? Who knew. It’s a shame the Pez trade for the Red Devil didn’t work out (see right margin of the page if you don’t know what I am talking about…). I’m kinda sad to see the Red Devil going, but onward and upward, I guess. Yes, this IS the fabled…
Apparently we are on notice!!!
Two Stories for Chocoalte Lovers….The Horror and The Miracle!
KENOSHA, Wis. – It might sound like a chocoholic’s dream, but stepping into a vat of chocolate became a two-hour nightmare for a 21-year-old man Friday morning. The man, an employee of a Kenosha company that supplies chocolate ingredients, told police he got into the tank at Debelis Corp. to unplug it and became trapped…