To find out more about this incredible event invented by the country that had mobile phones in every hand in the 80’s and that inspired a plastic boot maker called Nokia to make small mobiles….check out the official phone throwing site Anyone wanting to throw away their mobile phone can do it in style…
No more strip shows at funerals….
When I die, I hope that everyone celebrates with some hoochies and plenty of hooch… cd Striptease send-offs at funerals may become a thing of the past in east China after five people were arrested for organizing the intimate farewells, state media reported on Wednesday. Police swooped last week after two groups of strippers gave…
Chad Expels Petronas and Chevron
I think that this is great. I beleive that all oil producing nations should expel the multinational companies. In this case, they used the reason of back taxes…I don’t think they need an excuse… cd Chad’s President Idriss Deby Itno ordered the foreign oil firms ChevronTexaco and Petronas to leave the country from Sunday for…
Dangerous Hawaii…meat cleavers and bullets
A woman who police said was threatening passers-by Thursday with two meat cleavers in Waipahu is facing charges of making terroristic threats. Officials said police were called to the parking garage of an apartment building on Kahua-moku Street at about 1:30 p.m. Officers said they found the woman, described only as being in her…
It's a VERY casual Friday in Vermont….
Oh my God! What if the children see nakedness? It might make them damaged for life!! Give me a break… cd Some have appeared naked in a downtown parking lot. Others rode their bicycles or simply strolled the streets in the nude. Teenagers in the quaint Vermont town of Brattleboro are raising eyebrows this…
Vote for!!!
It’s been a hard couple of days for with all kinds of changes. If you love though, now you can show it by voting for us at We were fortunate to be nominated and now you can show your support by clicking on the little vote here icon in the left sidebar…
The nine, er eight, uh maybe 10…so what is Pluto now?
I think there continues to be some confusion as to how many planets exist…and what a planet is, etc. In the meantime, I like the pneumonic …Malika’s Vibraphone Elicits More Jubilant Sounds Under Nightfall ..You know, it is important to have something personally meaningful…. cd “My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.” That…
The Other Story I blogged on Mystery Server….
There are still some bugs to be worked out in the new servers and wordpress installation, however, it is certainly better than having stories appear/disappear at random times of the day. cd On Wednesday Paramount Pictures announced the end of its business relationship with Tom Cruise – with Sumner Redstone, chief of Paramount parent company…
'Hitler' restaurant to change name
I blogged about all the controversey with this restaurant a few days ago. Not that you would have noticed unless you tuned in when the duelling server carrying that story was on. Anyway, I’m glad to see that he is changing the name. cd BOMBAY, India – The owner of a restaurant named after Adolf…
I am no longer delusional.
Welcome to the permanent home of Incredible . As soon as the domain names resolve from the old servers, you will again be able to login to Thanks for your patience. chris damitio