Mink and I didn’t go this year, but check out these photos from the Mercury News. Link Employees of a Belgian company created this art project from 90 miles of wood as a team-building exercise.
CNN.com – FDA approves viruses as food additive – Aug 18, 2006
Another hard hitting story from Lena… cd CNN.com – FDA approves viruses as food additive – Aug 18, 2006 WASHINGTON (AP) — A mix of bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed on cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages to combat common microbes that kill hundreds of people a year, federal health officials said Friday in…
NPR : Camel's Milk the Key to Fertility?
Lena sent this story a few days ago…I am terribly behind on everything Fukn.us…slowly catching up. (Thanks Lena!! 😉 NPR : Camel’s Milk the Key to Fertility? A Brazilian woman gave birth to a 14-pound baby. That is apparently not a record in Brazil, where a 16-pounder was born last year. We don’t have the…
Portland Mercury – News – City – The Gears of a Clown
Thanks to the Rev for sending this to me. Apparently, we are still having some technical issues not allowing him to Post. cd Portland Mercury – News – City – The Gears of a Clown The Gears of a Clown A Sad Face of Gentrification? BY RICH MACKIN Local bike activists and bloggers were in…
A note from The Chairman of the Fukn Bored
A few readers have recently asked me if I screen or select or edit what any of the writers here at Incredible Fukn.us post. The answer is no. All of the bloggers here have total editorial control for their own posts. I have also given that to David with regards to his letters from Iraq….
Letters from Iraq #3
No more roleplayers  When we got mobilized in Ft.hood, we got trained up on a lot of stuff, most notably and obviously how to react to and respond to IEDs.  I couldn’t even go into detail into the training because of the nature of the threat and the battlefield out there is ever…
Oahu Sushi
We’ve eaten at a lot of the best sushi places on Oahu. Sometimes it is really hard to compare them as they are all very different sorts of places. I can’t say that I’ve had BAD sushi on Oahu, although the places below are all GOOD sushi, so if they aren’t listed….you are taking your…
This little sucker will kill you….it did…bummer.
This story makes me sad. What a bummer that this guy spent so much time with really dangerous animals and had the bad luck to die with an animal most people consider safe. cd Stingray kills ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Irwin CAIRNS, Australia – Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the…
Britain cracked WW2 secret
Britain cracked WW2 secret “dress code” LONDON (Reuters) – German spies hid secret messages in drawings of models wearing the latest fashions in an attempt to outwit Allied censors during World War Two, according to British security service files released on Monday. Nazi agents relayed sensitive military information using the dots and dashes of Morse…
The Loneliness of a Long Distance Traveler | The New York Times
This is a great slideshow with audio commentary by Matt Gross of The Frugal Traveller. A very enjoyable Sunday morning vicarious travel in just a few minutes. You may have to create a login ID to view this, but it is free and takes justa minute. Besides, it lets you read the NY Times online….