I’ve always found Australians to be a little crazy. Revenge against stingrays?? SYDNEY, Australia — At least 10 stingrays have been killed since “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin was fatally injured by one of the fish, an official said Tuesday, prompting a spokesman for the late TV star’s animal charity to urge people not take revenge…
Letters from Iraq # 9 Living like a Bed-o-Ween
Its September 11th 2006, Camp Victory, Bagdad, Iraq , grid coordinates …secret…. at one point, I may not think its strange the outcome of events and how I find myself where I am right now. I will be at ease and unquestioning, like a rock at the foot of a statue of buddah. kick me…
Letters from Iraq #8 Top Secret Haiku
We have all these devices to connect us with our loved ones back home , internet, phone, dsn phone numbers, but sometimes the most comforting is looking up at the celestial bodies in space like the moon and stars. tonight, again I was burning top secret documents (which is already becoming tedious, but not so…
Letters from Iraq # 7
just writing… it is strange thinking I am representing a country, and than I think of the young men here, the ones on dismounted patrol, the ones who go outside the wire everyday. The stress of having your life at jeopardy and also being the first contact of what foreigners think of America. Just yesterday,…
Skateboard for a house update…Rubies for ……?
I know it’s been a while since my last trade. Some of you may have thought that I stalled out or quit. Here is a quick recap before I tell you the details of the rubies I have now… Back in July, I saw that a guy had used an old fundraising technique in which…
An alternative to Google Adsense or Google Adwords
For those of you who, like me, were blacklisted from using Google Ads for getting too enthusiastic about getting the clicks, there is now a pretty great alternative. You will notice that I have added some ads to the site. Chitika is a great alternative to google or if you can still use adsense, it…
George Bush Stepping on 911 Flag
I found this at BoingBoing and absolutely have to repost it here…. Photo of president stepping on 9-11 US flag. To paraphrase George Orwell: “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a shoe stamping on a symbol of freedom – forever.” (Photo from Reuters)
A bit of levity…..
Just in case the day is a little bit heavy for you, here are some puns sent to me by my anarchist friends. (Thanks Anarchists) cd “THE ABILITY TO MAKE AND UNDERSTAND PUNS IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT” Here are the 10 first place winners in the International Pun Contest: 1. A vulture…
I found this editorial in the NY Times this morning. I think it sums things up pretty well… cd The feelings of sadness and loss with which we look back on Sept. 11, 2001, have shifted focus over the last five years. The attacks themselves have begun to acquire the aura of inevitability that comes…
Five Years Ago Today
We all know what happened. It was a major turning point in my life. I was homeless and living in Portland, OR. I was housesitting for a friend that week and woke up to watch the Price is Right only to see the attacks. Over the next few weeks I saw open minded Portland turn…