Very cool for this 17 year old to get to travel to the US and to experience Zero G. Of course, it is a big advertisement for the space program. Why is it that questioning the value of the space program can get one labeled as unpatriotic? Because we have such a tremendous love and…
Man bites panda after zoo attack
This is just an excuse to post a gratuitous panda photo… oh, so cute. A drunken Chinese tourist says he bit a panda who attacked him after he jumped into a zoo enclosure to “hug” the bear. Zhang Xinyan, 35, had drunk four draught beers before deciding to enter the Beijing Zoo pen belonging to…
America: Rich and Stupid
Here is a great example of how incredibly stupid the U.S. has become. We are the equivalent to a bufoon who has inherited millions of dollars and over a short period becomes a penniless pauper…this is a fine example of what my country has become… cd WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States spends far more…
Thai coup leader to install new PM in two weeks
Soldiers of America…learn from the Thai….rise up…strike down the idiot… cd Thai coup leader to install new PM in two weeks BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thailand’s military coup leaders will choose a new prime minister within two weeks and step back from power, army chief General Sonthi Boonyaratglin said on Wednesday. Speaking less than 24 hours…
Urine….er that is…revenge is sweet.
I can only imagine the satisfaction he must of felt as he watched them drink his piss. I have known what it is like to detest the people I work with. It’s a fair lesson, it may be that if you are an asshole, urine more danger of being the butt of someone’s joke than…
What is $20 worth to you?
I know plenty of people that would say they think $20 is worth something. It is. I mean you could buy 2 tickets to a movie and a candy bar, a 12 pack of beer and a frozen burrito, or 4 lattes. You could almost buy one share of Cisco systems or a decent buton…
Irony Files: Bush slams Iran for wasting wealth on nuclear quest – Yahoo! News
Meanwhile, you will have noted from the Death and Taxes Graph blogged earlier that the U.S. is squandering more than 2/3 of our budget on war, useless missile defense (does it defend against a suitcase nuke? or a container ship?) and in addition has squandered our goodwill with other nations, our freedom, and our resources…
Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Talk to the Hand, Going Loco, Tennysons Gift, Making The Cat Laugh
Finally a website that makes fun of bad punctuation…my personal favorite is the missing comma when someone suggests dining out to Grandma. “Let’s eat out Grandma.” Gross. cd Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Talk to the Hand, Going Loco, Tennysons Gift, Making The Cat Laugh “Call me Ishmael” is different from “Call…
That's not the penis I remember…..
First penis transplant reversed after two weeks – Yahoo! News Surgeons in China who said they performed the first successful penis transplant had to remove the donated organ because of the severe psychological problems it caused to the recipient and his wife.
Military launches a coup in Thailand – Yahoo! News
BANGKOK, Thailand – The Thai military launched a coup against Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Tuesday night, circling his offices with tanks, seizing control of TV stations and declaring a provisional authority pledging loyalty to the king. An announcement on Thai television declared that a “Council of Administrative Reform” with King Bhumibol Adulyadej as head…