Check out this video of Mark Goffeney. Mark plays guitar with his feet and he kicks ass. Another guy that is making the imPossible, Possible. UTUBE VIDEO (Thanks Francis) You can find more about Mark at
I want to be your friend!!! At myspace….
Hey, I was ignoring my myspace account until yesterday when I started getting requests from all kinds of strange women that are looking for love and want me to view their webcams. At first I thought…who the hell is this? Then I thought, “This is my new friend!” and now I am thinking “I want…
Friars fleece their flock….
God helps those who help themselves. I once thought of becoming a man of God, but it seemed far too dishonest. As a kid, I watched the Jim Baker scandal and said to myself…if I want money and chicks I need to either go into religion, politics, or media. As it stands now, I am…
Wealthy Iranians embrace plastic surgery
The surgeon doing the nose job on the guy featured in this article has done 30,000 nose jobs. ALL the plastic surgeons in Britain combined last year did 7,000 nose jobs. (I don’t know how that compares to LA.) In any event, that’s way more concern-for-personal-appearance and disposable income than I gave Iran credit for….
Dictator hires doubles to do the boring jobs
The eccentric North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has hired doubles to carry out his more mundane tasks, according to South Korean intelligence officials. While Kim himself attends major state occasions, two men stand in for him for more routine visits to tractor factories or farms. “They are the spitting image of Kim — the same…
My favorite childhood book
Study: Women Aroused as Quickly as Men
The studies also show that both women and men quickly lose arousal when exposed to David Hasselhoff. Except in Germany where the arousal rate for both sexes is cut in half by the appearance of ‘Der Hoff’. cd Night vision is not known for helping anyone get better in the bedroom, but infrared cameras reveal…
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished-Save a life, get robbed.
This comes from Oahu’s North Shore yesterday. I have an uncle that likes to say that no good deed goes unpunished. He would probably love this story… cd A skydiving accident ended with no injuries for one lucky skydiver on Saturday. The Maui skydiver was making his first jump alone and with his new equipment….
One Small Step for A Man…..perception is everything…
This story goes to show how the way you want to see, hear, or think about things changes the world. I remember being in gradeschool and being taught about the moon landings. My teacher’s taught us about how Incredible the U.S. was and how humility has always played a part in our dealings with the…
Vintage Supermarket Photos
I like these old photos of the market. This one seems to say “Wow Mr. Grocer, nice Banana!!”This comes from (Thanks Juergen) Vintage Supermarket Photos