You have to wonder who this guy is that will soon be replacing Kofi Annan? Is he a stooge for the powers that be? Is he a Bush appointee? I find myself curious…here is what I have come up with so far…. *He has a Bachelors degree in international relations. (1970) *He got his masters…
Black Gold – The world coffee market, the African economy, and WTO – New York Times
The documentary “Black Gold” tells an unresolved modern version of the age-old David and Goliath story. The giants in this case are multinational corporations that control the worldwide coffee market. The heroic little guy, Tadesse Meskela, represents the Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-op Union, which encompasses 74 co-ops in southern Ethiopia. That country, the birthplace of…
UK government funds robot to help treat baldness
This is a way of taking national pride to a new level. cd LONDON (Reuters) – The British government is providing 1.85 million pounds ($3.5 million) of funding to a Cambridge-based company that is building a robot to help treat baldness. Biosciences firm Intercytex aims to perfect a treatment that involves taking hair follicles from…
N. Korea leader rallies army commanders – if it is him.
Of course, as Mink Hippie reported earleir this week, Lil Kim has several body doubles that he sends out for the more mundane events. I’m sure he has better things to do than meet with army commanders. He just got married not too long ago, he has a dozen hot girlfriends, and he has his…
USB Hamster Wheel
The only problem with this gadget is that my typing skills make me backspace as often as I go forward…maybe he would do somersaults? When I first saw this, I thought maybe it was a way to make your hamster power you laptop. Either way, it has me laughing. (Thanks Luke!) USB Hamster Wheel –…
Celebrity Cruises puts employees in Cultural Sensitivity Training
Native Hawaiians got a bit upset to see Celebrity Cruises using the ad below to promote tourism. The statue is of King Kamehameha, the monarch who united the Hawaiian Islands. Celebrity Cruises thought it was a good idea to put the glass of champagne in his hand. The Hawaiians thought not and sued. The ad…
Honolulu Robin Hood Bankrobber busted after 15 heists
We saw this on the news last night. The guy was very good natured as he stood there in handcuffs. He is supporting three families on an island where minimum rent for a one bedroom is usually somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500 a month and the typical job pays $10 or less an hour….
Stinky feet, annoying noise top IgNobel prize list
Forget the Nobel prize, it’s boring and far too political. I prefer the Ignobles….here are this years winners… Now, it seems that I have the hiccups…I suppose the Bush Butt Plug is a cure for them too…. cd WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Research into stinky feet, a study on the sound of fingernails on a blackboard…
Dead Bachelors in Remote China Still Find Wives
CHENJIAYUAN, China — For many Chinese, an ancestor is someone to honor, but also someone whose needs must be maintained. Families burn offerings of fake money or paper models of luxury cars in case an ancestor might need pocket change or a stylish ride in the netherworld. But here in the parched canyons along the…
The World Can't Wait! Drive Out The Bush Regime
Actually, don’t click above – click on this link below… The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out The Bush Regime – HOME The list of protest speakers reads like a who’s who of people who have their heads screwed on straight (and, ok, a few wackos thrown in…). It’s great to see attention being drawn to…