Leave it to the Canadians to find the weed. cd OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canadian troops fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan have stumbled across an unexpected and potent enemy — almost impenetrable forests of 10-feet (three metre) high marijuana plants. General Rick Hillier, chief of the Canadian defence staff, said on Thursday that Taliban fighters were…
Cat o'Nine Tails
I wish this sort of punishment were administered more often. Especially in a crime like this one… cd By John Marquis A man convicted of trying to rape an 83-year-old woman was sentenced to eight lashes with a cat-o’-nine-tails, a punishment used by the British Navy in the 18th century and reinstated in the Bahamas…
Two killed in Manhattan aircraft crash
This must feel like a horrible flashback to a lot of New Yorkers. We’ll keep you updated. cd Two killed in Manhattan aircraft crash NEW YORK (Reuters) – At least two people were killed when a small aircraft crashed into a 52-story building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Wednesday in what appeared to be…
More than 1/2 million Iraqis Dead
This is what your tax dollars are paying for America. Congratulations on an efficient government. cd LONDON (Reuters) – American and Iraqi public health experts have calculated that about 655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion and subsequent violence, far above previous estimates.
North Korea threatens war over sanctions
North Korea threatens war over sanctions – Yahoo! News SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea stoked regional tensions Wednesday, threatening more nuclear tests and saying additional sanctions imposed on it would be considered an act of war, as nervous neighbors raced to bolster defenses and punish Pyongyang. South Korea said it was making sure its…
Police find burgers sprinkled with pot – Yahoo! News
Ouch. It sucks to get caught, but the intent still deserves a round of applause. cd LOS LUNAS, N.M. – Three workers at a Burger King restaurant were arrested after two Isleta tribal police officers discovered that the hamburgers they ordered were sprinkled with marijuana. The Isleta Police Department officers ate about half of their…
I really should have written about this while it was still showing. We loved it. The cast was incredible. The content offensive. The message relevant in today’s world. The old people sitting near us were not amused. Here is a link about it at the Honolulu Star Bulletin
Set your beasts free, and see if they come back.
Artist is James Belsar, I was looking for a strange animal, but you can pretend this is the eye of one. New York Times, October 8, 2006 Electronic Arts’ forthcoming Spore game will allow you to “create an world that is entirely yours: the creatures, the vehicles, the cities, the planets,” says designer Will Wright….
Time capsule to be beamed from Mexican pyramid
If you want to add something to the Time capsule you can go to http://timecapsule.yahoo.com. cd MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s Teotihuacan, once the center of a sprawling pre-Hispanic empire, is set to become the launch pad for an attempt to communicate with extraterrestrial life. Starting on Tuesday, enthusiasts from around the world will have…
North Korean's in their Underpants
I thought maybe Republicans would enjoy seeing these young North Korean soldiers in their underpants….maybe this will prevent a war cd North Korean soldiers react to being photographed while exercising at an army installation