Thanks, Terry. New weapon in battle of the bulge… – Yahoo! News SYDNEY, Nov 2 (Reuters Life!) – Size really does count, just ask Australian underwear maker AussieBum which has just launched the “Wonderjock” for men who want to look bigger. ADVERTISEMENTSince the launch seven days ago, AussieBum says it has sold 50,000 pairs of…
Cats That Look Like Hitler (just what it sounds like)
Does your cat look like Adolf Hitler? Do you wake up in a cold sweat every night wondering if he’s going to up and invade Poland? Does he keep putting his right paw in the air while making a noise that sounds suspiciously like “Sieg Miaow”? If so, this is the website for you.
No Surprise- Doogie Howser is Gay
LOS ANGELES – Neil Patrick Harris is gay and wants to quell any rumors to the contrary. “(I) am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest,” Harris tells People magazine’s Web site. The 33-year-old actor said he was motivated to disclose his sexuality because…
Officer claims wife put pot in meatballs
I wonder if this excuse would work for anyone else? cd NEW YORK – A detective suspended after testing positive for drugs says his wife served him meatballs spiked with marijuana because she wanted to keep him out of harm’s way by forcing him into retirement. An administrative judge believed him, and recommended this week…
Public Masturbator Concealing Awl in Ass
Just in time for the weekend…never mind the politics…lets focus on people hiding things in their bung…a better story might have been if he had the Bush Butt Plug! It probably would have felt better. cd EL CERRITO, Calif. – A naked man was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon after telling police…
Selling My Domain Names including!!!
Everything is for sale except You probably can’t afford but have a look at the others at And if you can afford and want to buy it…just click on the buy now button and it is yours. cd
Does God use Ebay?
Touching and sort of special…especially when you read the last line. Here is the spoiler…the guy that found the letters is putting them up for auction on Ebay. Of course, since he is the guy that the letters ended up going to, maybe this explains the state of the world….God just might be a trash…
Euro bills in Germany mysteriously disintegrating
You can be sure that the Unabomber is sitting in his cell smiling right now. This is an ingenius way to attack the structures of civilization he hates. The article below talks about extortionists, but what if it is something else entirely? If, like me, you think that human civilization has taken a few wrong…
Eating out may encourage bingeing
I’ve noticed this with my ‘eating out’ habits too. Once I get a taste, my mouth doesn’t want to stop. I remember hearing once that African Americans don’t enjoy ‘eating out’ but that seems to be a myth. cd NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women tend to eat more calories and fat when dining out,…
Police arrest 10,733 fugitives in U.S.-led sweep
Okay, the part I am trying to understand here is why there were over 10,000 fugitives that needed to be rounded up in the first place and that could be rounded up so easily over a six day period? It’s great that these guys are off the streets, especially if they are predators, but why…