BOGOR, Indonesia – A renowned black magic practitioner performed a voodoo ritual Thursday to jinx President George W. Bush and his entourage while he was on a brief visit to Indonesia. Ki Gendeng Pamungkas slit the throat of a goat, a small snake and stabbed a black crow in the chest, stirred their blood with…
Woof Woof Roof – 3 Month Old Sheltered by dogs until 7 Years Old
A Mowgli-like wild boy who appears to have been raised by a dog since he was three months old has been discovered living in a remote part of Siberia seven years after he was abandoned by his parents. Andrei Tolstyk was discovered three weeks ago by social workers who wondered why the seven-year-old had not…
Clever Bonobo again triggers fire alarm
DES MOINES, Iowa – Panbanisha the bonobo is up to her tricks again. For the second time in two months, the 20-year-old animal triggered a fire alarm at the Great Ape Trust of Iowa research center. The trouble started at about 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, when Panbanisha wanted to go outside but the staff was too…
Huge Wave Wipes Out Waikiki!!!!
For those of you who are curious…one of the first things I do each morning is to take a quick peek at my email and the news online. I’m hoping for disaster to strike. Admit it, most of us are….modern life in the United States is not only unfulfilling, it is deadly…have a look at…
Marsha J. O’Brien's Blog
For those of you who haven’t seen it…Marsha now has a blog where she discusses life, health, and whatever else she wants to…she is open to questions and wants to make your life better….Have a look. cd Marsha J. O’Brien Pretty much all members of my family have decided this year not to “celebrate the…
Bernest's tidbit of blather…
Sometimes it takes an asshole to point out a turd. B.E.
We exposed Bush as a buttplug to more than 6 Million with your help!
An update on why we did it, how many saw it, and where it is going…. For those of you who are curious about the Bushplug We’ve done what we set out to do with The Bushplug. The Bushplug was picked up by more than 5,000 blogs (I stopped counting there) . We were mentioned…
NK News – KCNA Hall of Fame
Oh and then there is the other side of the fence. B.E.NK News – KCNA Hall of Fame
North Korean news from the horses mouth
News without fear, the official news agency of our favorite little dictator. All hail the toaster oven. B.E.News20From20KOREAN20CENTRAL20NEWS20AGENCY20of20DPRK
Bernest's thought of the moment…
While hindsight is always 20/20, some hindsight is just plain embarrassing.