AWESOME gallery of vintage photos of terrified children on the laps of tattered and worn department store Santas… Nothing says Happy Holidays like a photo of sweet little toddlers screaming at Santa. A couple of years ago, the Chicago Tribune asked readers to send in their “Scared of Santa” photos. Those photos are included here,…
Some valuable real estate about to drop in the drink….
VOLCANO, Hawaii – Visitors to one of the world’s most active volcanoes are being kept hundreds of feet away from a 55-acre lava delta that authorities believe may soon collapse into the Pacific Ocean. Eruption-watchers from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory on Monday reported lava continuing to flow into the ocean off the…
Two Reasons Not to Live in Hawaii
Okay…first let me say that there are lots of reasons to live in Hawaii. I don’t think I even need to say that at this time of the year…however…here are a couple of reasons why living in Paradise isn’t as easy as sleeping under a coconut tree (bad idea by the way!) 1. Hawaii once…
Tofu makes you GAY!
Excellent crazy story: The logic is so obviously lacking it is scary. What does this say of so many Asian countries? There’s a slow poison out there that’s severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture. The ironic part is, it’s a “health food,” one of our most popular. Now, I’m a…
U.S. Mint bans melting pennies, nickels
Here is an interesting dilemma for the United States…the money in your pocket is actually worth more if you destroy the money…my mind hasn’t quite wrestled this to any sort of conclusion yet, but it seems to me that this is probably an indicator of a pretty severe currency crisis….consider…it costs more to make money…
Artist Burns Replica Warplane Made of Photos at University of Hawaii
This is a pretty cool story from my campus. There is video at cd Katsushige Nakahashi’s Zero Projects – like Robin Kandel and James Fee – pertains in part to his father’s experiences during the Second World War. Nakahashi’s work is the keystone of Reconstructing Memories. Nakahashi constructs his Zeros from approximately 25,000 individual…
Hermaphrodite 7-'legged' deer killed
If only they would have known that only the 7 legged hermaphrodite deer had a chance to save us all! Now we are doomed. cd Fond du Lac Reporter – 7-‘legged’ deer killed near Waucousta 7-‘legged’ deer killed near Waucousta By Jared Blohm The Reporter What has seven legs, male and female reproductive organs…
Teacher in crack over butt art
It looks like Murmur’s ass is getting a little too much attention and his bandwidth has been exceeded at his website but you can check out a video of him in action on youtube here cd RICHMOND, Va. – To hear the students tell it, Stephen Murmer is a fun, popular art teacher who…
Intelligence VS. Awareness
Although I’m mostly apolitical, there must be some basic level of awareness representatives might share. I don’t mind dumb politicians as often that means they can’t even do ridiculous things very successfully. And now that I think about it, this guy might even be a good thing–if we don’t know who might be an enemy,…
Trade #3 . How to turn a skateboard into a sailboat.
Trade #3. Rubies for a Cal-20 Sailboat. You know. It’s funny how things happen. I just finished trade #3. During the whole land fiasco, I thought about what I wanted out of all this. I realized that I’ve always wanted a sailboat. Something I could sleep on if necessary, something I could go out in…