Wait til you see the apple in your stocking! -cd
Christmas brings strange seasonal crimes
NEW YORK – There’s nobody nice on this Christmas list: snowman stabbers, Grinch snatchers, wreath-robbing weasels. ‘Tis the season for strange crimes by even stranger people, with police blotters expanding faster than a 6-year-old’s wish list of gifts. David Allen Rodgers, 42, was arrested Dec. 3 for driving while intoxicated — at the wheel of…
Christmas Chaos Spans Centuries
By Matt Crenson The Associated Press Published: Friday, December 22, 2006NEW YORK – Once upon a time the holiday season was a quiet time spent with family and friends – simpler, less commercial, more spiritual, nothing like today’s frenzied orgy of consumption. “There are worlds of money wasted, at this time of year, in getting…
Horny Manatee.com
Has anyone else seen this? I’m laughing my ass off…follow the link (thanks Mozy )-cd Horny Manatee.com
'Karaoke boost' for N Korea troops
Now do you see why I love this guy? It’s not just me…look at how happy those Generals are….those are a bunch of happy guys out for a walk with a dear leader they all obviously love… cd North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is reported to have found a rousing way of boosting morale among…
Christmas Poopers! Caganer Papa Benet XVI
Okay…this is a Christmas tradition I can get behind. I love this. Below is a link to a site that sells every type of pooping person you can think of from the Pope to Osama. Below that is an explanation for this strange Spanish Christmas custom from Wikipedia. -cd 25. Caganer Papa Benet XVI Artesanía…
'Hibernating' man survives for 3 weeks
TOKYO – A man who went missing in western Japan survived in near-freezing weather without food and water for over three weeks by falling into a state similar to hibernation, doctors said. Mitsutaka Uchikoshi had almost no pulse, his organs had all but shut down and his body temperature was 71 degrees Fahrenheit when he…
The 10 Most Dangerous Toys of All Time
Pray for Coal The 10 most dangerous toys of all time By Paige Ferrari In the last year alone, some eight million units of toys were recalled in the U.S., according to W.A.T.C.H., a toy-safety advocacy group. But Kool Toys and Polly Pockets are kids’ stuff compared to the hazardous baubles of yesteryear. In the…
Fire Destroys 'Lost' Star's Home
This is pretty weird, I can confirm that the house that burned down was where Evangeline Lilly used to live. Before I was a full time student, I used to do some driving for Carey Limousine here on Oahu. Last Christmas I had an early morning pickup going to the airport listed under the alias…
A Blunt Message From the Chairman….
Is it really worth it? I mean, I know that you never have to look at yourself from behind, but the rest of us do. A few extra pounds happen, most of us go through it, it feels uncomfortable physically and socially, and eventually we do something about it…. I mean, think about it, when…