But does he know how to train them? (see below a few posts) cd Kim Jong Il seeks monster bunnies | The World | The Australian NORTH Korea has given a German pensioner a contract to supply the communist state with giant rabbits to help boost meat production and ease the country’s severe food shortages….
Bushplug Auction Removed By Ebay-
I am very disappointed to announce that the auction for the original Bushplug was removed by ebay with less than 24 hours left. At the point it was removed, there were at least 23 watchers listed and at least one bid had been placed at the starting price of $60.Since I have not heard from…
Rough Living in the Adirondacks
This is Rough Living of the highest order. I especailly appreciate that this guy evaded the police for so long and only stole the essentials that he needed in order to avoid society. Check out the picture of his camp (Thanks Tom!) cd Police identify woodsman Man tells police he has lived in woods…
The Biffy Bidet
Okay…this websitemight have the best ad copy I’ve ever read “I Love My Biffy”. Below is a sample…be sure to go and watch the video… cd bidet,biffy personal hygiene bidet bathroom accessory Can we talk? When you are sitting on a toilet seat your bottom is perfectly positioned for thorough cleansing. The toilet seat supports…
How to Train a Rabbit – WikiHow
Essential information for rabbit lovers…(wink) cd How to Train a Rabbit – WikiHow What’s better than living with an adorable companion rabbit? Living with a well trained companion rabbit, of course. Rabbits are very intelligent and can be trained quite easily by providing them with incentives. Unfortunately, many humans fail to train their rabbits, either…
Check your change…the Canucks are listening!!!
Just when you least expect it, the Canadians are getting ready to steal our inefficient car designs that barely get 35 mpg, our weopons of mass destruction, and our other secrets… The big question is who is wasting more of their taxpayers dollars? Oh yeah…that’s us. cd WASHINGTON – Money talks, but can it also…
Pillars of Creation Toppled By Stellar Blast
There is a strange sort of dread attached to this story, something very apocalyptic….shananapocalytic! SEATTLE – They helped open the public’s eyes to the wonders of space when they were first photographed in 1995, but a new study suggests the famous Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula might have already been toppled long ago,…
Houses Woven Out of Trees- Inspiration for your mission today!
Sometimes we think we know the only way to do things…for instance, to build a house of wood you must create lumber, or at least chop down trees. Only if you want to live in a box (literally and metaphorically) . It drives me nuts to hear people talk about the only way to do…
2nd Place aint gonna be good enough….
Oh, there is going to be hell to pay when lil Kim gets wind of this…of course, if I were the leader of Sealand…(which may soon happen), I would expect to be listed somewhere on this list…I bet KJI makes a new list where he wins…. cd North Korean leader Kim Jong-il ranked second on…
E Mare Libertas — "From the Sea, Freedom."
Finally, a place the Chairman can set free his vision of anarchic utopia! The world’s smallest “country” is going on the chopping block. The self-proclaimed sovereign principality of Sealand, built atop a World War II artillery platform in the North Sea, is for sale for the whopping price tag of $977 million. Its price tag…