KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Malaysian police detained an eight-member gang of small-sized robbers dubbed the “midget gang,” who allegedly confessed to committing 14 break-ins over the past three months, a news report said Thursday. All the gang members, aged between 14 and 23 years, were diminutive, The Star newspaper said without saying whether they were…
Fun With Spammers #2
I’ve been answering Fuck Yes! to a variety of employment offers and many other things that have ended up in my mailbox. Since there are so many, I will post them when and if I get a reply. I have also just heard from the original spammer I said Fuck Yes to. —– Original Message…
Get two of these, put them on your feet, and play golf like it's the seventies…
I’ve been waiting a long time to see someone work up a diesel electric hybrid car, and it looks like someone finally did. I don’t care if it looks like a white golf shoe from the seventies, I think it’s kinda cool. And at today’s gas prices 230 miles per gallon at 55 MPH sounds…
Ice at the poles—of Mars….
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A spacecraft orbiting Mars has scanned huge deposits of water ice at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36 feet of water if they were liquid, scientists said on Thursday. The scientists used a jointNASA-Italian Space Agency radar instrument on the European Space Agency Mars Express spacecraft…
This is either really good or extremely bad–as in Manchurian Candidate mind control stuff. I guess I tend to see the glass half-empty on this, but on the other hand, I know I carry around a lot of thoughts that do me no good. What would I do if I could get rid of them?…
Fun with Spammers #1
As you guys might know, I sell used books at Primitivebooks.com (formerly fuknbooks). I place a lot of ads on craigslist to find buyers…and it never fails that nearly every day (sometimes multiple times in a day), I get badly written offers from far off places offering to buy my ‘item’ with a bogus money…
Letter from Iraq #18
This is the latest letter from David, a U.S. soldier serving in Iraq…. cd I recently went on a long convoy, I thought you might want to know what the expierence is like. The convoy didn’t start off great as the first stop we went to get gas and the attendant said it was only…
Another assignment, this one might be interesting if you can read it with the right ‘voice’, hopefully I’ve got that right. The artwork is from Orlanda Uffre Deconstructing the Mind’s Preconceptions by Chris Damitio What Do You SEE???? This is the question that is asked in the Trinh T. Minh-ha experimental documentary Reassemblage. On the…
Like Sands through the hourglass
Another quickly penned monstrosity…at least I managed to work throwing up into it… cd Like Sands Through the Hourglass….by Chris Damitio No matter who a person is or where they may be growing up, there is no doubt about the fact that they will, at some point in their lives, deal with some sort of…
Bombings on University of Hawaii Campus
I am amazed that this is the first I have heard of this…I’m here everyday, usually read the student paper, and have heard nothing about it…(here is another link from the star bulletin…) It sounds to me like they are using baking soda and vinegar boobie traps…we used to make these to protect our forts…