Not the usual kind of thing I post here at, but absolutely astounding. (Thanks Ma!) Ma says make sure that you watch the whole thing and I totally agree. Like the narrators, I’ve never seen anything like it. cd
Japanese Millionaire Gives Mansions to Hawaiian Homeless
I meant to report on this story when it first came out several months ago, somehow, I didn’t…I can’t help thinking that Kawamoto is taking a lot of enjoyment in making his Kahala neighbors cringe, interestingly, it seems that his upscale neighbors began to complain about his properties not being maintained properly and hurting their…
The Great New Jersey Panty Heist- $12,000 Worth!!
Personally, I suspect Mink Hippie and her gang of Ph.D Barbies setting this up….. cd NEW YORK (Reuters) – Three brazen New Jersey shoplifters made off with nearly $12,000 in women’s underwear by stuffing the goods into bags designed to foil anti-theft equipment at a Victoria’s Secret store while the shop was open for business,…
French 'X' Files go public….
Here is the link: PARIS (AFP) – France became the first country to open its files on UFOs Thursday when the national space agency unveiled a website documenting more than 1,600 sightings spanning five decades. The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from…
Monkey Love–what came first, religion or morality?
I recommend reading the entire article to anyone who is interested in such questions, or in what animals are able to do that we don’t always consider. New York Times, March 20, 2007 The brain has a genetically shaped mechanism for acquiring moral rules, similar to the neural machinery for learning language, according to Harvard…
Who's who, and where are they, on the map of scientific paradigms?
This map was constructed by sorting roughly 800,000 published papers into 776 different scientific paradigms (shown as pale circular nodes) based on how often the papers were cited together by authors of other papers. Links (curved black lines) were made between the paradigms that shared papers, then treated as rubber bands, holding similar paradigms nearer…
RIP Larry Bud Melman
I had forgotten all about you Larry Bud, but I am sorry you are gone and thankful for the annoyed laughter you dragged out of me. You look a little like Bernest sometimes, and I loved that about you…Rest in Peace Buddy. cd NEW YORK – The balding, bespectacled nebbish who gained cult status as…
Welcome to the Liberators
Great film. I recommend it. As for the paper…well…as always…quickly penned. Welcome to the Liberators by Chris Damitio “Welcome to the Liberators!” It is painted on a brick wall as Antonia and her daughter walk into a Dutch village that Antonia grew up in in the movie Anotonia’s Line, directed by Marleen Gorris. While the…
If You Want to Fight the Power, You Have to Know What Power Is.
Might be interesting….might not… If You Want to Fight the Power, You Have to Know What Power Is. by Chris Damitio Throughout the recorded history of humankind, and presumably even prior to that, human beings have ordered themselves in groups and often placed themselves into positions which necessitate relying upon other human beings. One can…
Are you interested in making a little cash with used books?
Here is my latest project you guys. As a lot of you know, I have been selling used books online for quite a while. First I was using and for the last year or so I have been using I won’t promise to make you a millionaire, but I will tell you that…