Short and sweet. Laughing my ass off.
Coffee meets Milk
Beautiful. Makes me almost want to stop drinking my coffee black. cd Coffee meets Milk
Homeless James Bond #2 from
This episode has a chase scene…. cd
How to build your own fusion reactor…
This is incredible and scary….it was found at (Thanks Kim!) It’s staring to feel like a theme week. [Eric] reminded me of this 17 year old who built his own fusion reactor. Being me, I had to look around for more. I found the open source fusor research consortium. I found plans, research, and…
Homeless James Bond at
Just watched acceptable TV, the new VH1 show produced by Jack Black. Great idea. Show airs Fridays and you can vote until Monday. I missed the voting, but this is by far my favorite. Enjoy. See all the rest at cd
Bizarre Hexagon Spotted on Saturn
One of the most bizarre weather patterns known has been photographed at Saturn, where astronomers have spotted a huge, six-sided feature circling the north pole. Rather than the normally sinuous cloud structures seen on all planets that have atmospheres, this thing is a hexagon. The honeycomb-like feature has been seen before. NASA’s Voyager 1 and…
The problem with trading
As those of you who have been around for a while know, I have been trading stuff for a while. Starting with the old skateboard here are the list of my trades. 1) I traded .50 cents for an old veriflex skateboard. 2) I traded the skateboard for a piece of Folk Art by R.A….
Blue Horse Matine Rocking Out
Not the usual kind of thing I post here at, but absolutely astounding. (Thanks Ma!) Ma says make sure that you watch the whole thing and I totally agree. Like the narrators, I’ve never seen anything like it. cd
Japanese Millionaire Gives Mansions to Hawaiian Homeless
I meant to report on this story when it first came out several months ago, somehow, I didn’t…I can’t help thinking that Kawamoto is taking a lot of enjoyment in making his Kahala neighbors cringe, interestingly, it seems that his upscale neighbors began to complain about his properties not being maintained properly and hurting their…
The Great New Jersey Panty Heist- $12,000 Worth!!
Personally, I suspect Mink Hippie and her gang of Ph.D Barbies setting this up….. cd NEW YORK (Reuters) – Three brazen New Jersey shoplifters made off with nearly $12,000 in women’s underwear by stuffing the goods into bags designed to foil anti-theft equipment at a Victoria’s Secret store while the shop was open for business,…