What a gesture! What have google shareowners done to recieve such self-sacrificing CEO’s? While I think being a responsible fair businessperson is admirable, I am about sick to shit of these psuedo-martyrs red herring the world into thinking that somehow giving up 200 million to build a billion is anything but what it is. Make the money…just shut the fuck up about it, will ya? Bernest Google CEO, co-founders stick to $1 salary in 2006 – Yahoo! News
You may notice that this site no longer carries google adsense ads. Those pricks let us carry the ads for a year and when it came time for them to send us a big check, they decided that Incredible Fukn.us was in violation of account policy and suspended the account. A caveat is that they don’t have to pay fukn.us So folks it looks like at the moment I have an answer to who is Fukn us? Google Adsense.