Let me start with the basics.
That’s the world we live in and you better get used to it. Emperor Trump is not going to step down.
He might die. But that is only the end of ‘weak’ people.
The United States of America is now the Republican States of America and that is never going to change so if you aren’t down with it – you better GFO.
Amazingly, in complete contrarian fashion – I am not against this state of affairs.
Shit needs to be broken and honestly – you can’t break shit more than this.
Donald Trump and his alliance of billionaire tech bro friends have taken control of the most powerful country in the world.
It is completely hilarious.
Don’t get me wrong. Tragedy – including death, destruction, persecution, suffering – that’s all going to follow and there is nothing funny about that. But that’s in the future and this is now – so let’s laugh about it.
Trump and his heirs will reign for hundreds and possibly thousands of years. If you aren’t laughing you are missing the best part.
It gets better.
People will love, revere, and even worship them.
Elon Musk – ……won’t die. I’m not lying. That motherfucker will live forever. He will never be cool though and he will never have people ‘understand’ him because we actually do and – he’s a total loser nerd despite being rich.
As for me? No one will hear about or care about me. I’d like to think that Baoism though – it will be practiced on other planets. And the people that practice it? They won’t know who the f I am or was. I love that.
So – here we go.
Be happy. Love each other.
Let me start off by saying, “Overstate much?” I guess we all have our dose of irrational fears But your dose is like sourdough. It grows in the dark! You should really take a deep breath and let your craziness dissipate. What is alarming is that you hang out with kids? Until you get treated, you should not come within a mile of a classroom.
Look at the nonsense you’ve been associated with since COVID! You were happy to avoid working in your profession for a while. Some have had to be forced back into the classroom.
Having taken Ivermectin (yes, the horse paste) I was used to the crazies telling me how well the vax worked and then screeching at me when I told them I didn’t take it. When the data proved that kids didn’t need to be vaxed for COVID, you doubled down. WOW. I thought you guys followed the science…er, no I didn’t. But seeing how prevalent your admission was that you didn’t, I thought even your shrill dupes and shills would die down. But nope, not a chance!
And then you were more determined to vote for a Marxist the more stupid stuff she said. Wow. Unhindered by the stupidity behind her, she pressed forward to more. She called Trump lots of fact-challenged names, and then said that Trump was the hater, EVEN after two attempts on his life. She denied EVERYTHING she said prior to the election as if she thought video and even print had not been invented yet. WOW!
Man, get a grip! You’ve been wrong about absolutely EVERYTHING in the last few years. Doug Emhoff slapped his nanny around while impregnating her, and Trump is a bad guy? Well, to be honest, Trump isn’t the best character, but again, you’ve got to get a grip. Your folks aren’t beacons of morality either. I have no daughter, and I would let her marry Trump anyway, but that’s not why I voted FOR HIM.
Have you ever even asked yourself how all these pristine Democrats have become millionaires, when we know EXACTLY how much they’ve made in congress, AND in the presidency? No curiosity about that? Obama is worth 330mill!!!! REALLY? Get a grip, Rip!
The biggest tell you folks have is, you are all for someone until they see the light and start working with the American People, then you curs turn on them like dogs! Hint: THEY AREN’T CHANGING, you are! One has to wonder if you were even paying attention during the last presidency. I realize that Biden has died right in front of our eyes, but it seems like your brains have frozen as well.
Have you actually been paying attention to the LA mess? I spent some time as a firefighter, and I can tell you that EVERYONE knew this was coming, but you keep closing your eyes and voting the same! It’s tragically hilarious. WAKE UP!! Even the lefties in Hollywood are arousing themselves, YOU SHOULD TOO.
I’ve got enough material for days, but if you just want to sleep through, I’m not going to waste my time. But what world will you live in? The fantasy is burning down in LA and all over this country. You can’t hide from it.
In what world is it okay to root for someone to be killed for your over-sensitivities? It’s not anywhere, but you convinced me that you think the emperor has beautiful clothes! I’m sad for you more than angry.
That’s an awesome reply. I seriously love it for so many reasons. Too many reasons to even detail, but thank you.