Category: Politics
Republican Flying Circus Torture Techniques
Chavez calls for radical simplicity!
I second this suggestion. I’ve been thinking about the bums I see all over Hawaii with their shopping cart’s filled with possessions. These people chain themselves to their shit. They have to watch it, transport it, cover it with tarps, and can only go where they can take it. I don’t htink it is a…
Marx in Soho
My friend Fenton Wilkinson gets to be Terror Suspect of the Week in his onstage role of Karl Marx. He is doing a one man performance of Howard Zinn’s play “Marx in Soho.” I watched it last night and was astounded. I’ve put a clip below along with links to more clips. I’ll write more…
Best point of 2nd Debate- Mike Gravel
Haliburton to construct US detention camps
If you think that the Bush regime is going to give up power, I think you are mistaken. I’ve been saying this for a long time. These guys are not doing what they have been doing only to stop in 2008. Recently Bush has contracted to have massive detention facilities built in the US as…
Cop Week in DC
To me, this sounds like one more reason to be glad I live as far away from DC as I can. (Thanks Bman!) cd *Fuzz Follies* *by Becky Akers * Seems DC has survived another “National Police Week.” I’m trying to decide whether that’s good or bad. From Tuesday, May 8, through Wednesday, May 16…
Most palattable of Republican candidates burns Giuliani
this is unbelievable, the one Republican that voted against the war, the one guy in the room that believes what everyone knows. Makes sense he is at the bottom of the pack. This isn’t an endorsement for Ron Paul, but I certainly would rather have him running things than any of the other Republicans in…
Bush Buttplug Wars (pt 4)
Okay, so check this out…our cease and desist letter made it to the guy and look what he did with it: I have to admit here, I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’m laughing. I mean, how upset can I actually get that someone else has created a Buttplug that looks like Dubya….
Our Cease and Desist Response to George W. Tush (Buttplug Wars pt 3)
Our attorneys tell me that our best response to the Cease and Desist letter we received is to continue operations and send a Cease and Desist of our own. I’m still blown away by the fact that someone wants to have the Bush Buttplug market all to themselves. I didn’t think the market was really…