B*** just “happens” to have decided to spend Easter at Camp David, after spending every previous Easter during his presidency in Crawford. Sure. Crawford, Texas – Peace activist Cindy Sheehan returned to Texas on Wednesday for another war protest near President Bush’s ranch, although he was to spend the weekend at Camp David. The anti-war…
Category: Politics
Fiddling While Darfur Burns – New York Times
It is enormously distressing to watch the sausage-making that passes for the world’s attempt to do something about the carnage in Darfur. The United Nations is still dawdling over plans to replace the African Union force currently there with a well-armed U.N. peacekeeping force. An attempt last week by the United Nations’ top official on…
Know someone who wants to join the military?
Be sure to send them here before (or after) they sign the contract. cd The Objector: Home of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Charles Taylor could be jailed in Sweden
Sweden says it is considering a UN request to accept former Liberian President Charles Taylor as a prisoner if he is convicted of war crimes. He faces the charges in the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, which requested his trial be transferred to The Hague for security reasons. But the Dutch government said it…
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Take the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz” and get a lovely graph of where your beliefs fall on the political spectrum…. World’s Smallest Political Quiz
Kuwaiti women vote for first time
Polling is taking place in a Kuwaiti council by-election in which women are allowed to vote for the first time. Two women are also among eight candidates running for the seat in the Salmiya district, south of the capital. The 28,000 eligible voters, 60% of whom are women, are voting in segregated polling booths, a…
Taylor pleads not guilty at trial
Well, it happened – Charles Taylor was arrested in Nigeria and sent to the UN Special Court in Sierra Leone. Echoing Saddam, he began by saying that he did not recognize the jurisdiction of the court. He eventually entered a “not guilty” plea. The trial may be moved to The Hague. It is acknowledged fact…
Nigeria to transfer Taylor to Liberia – Yahoo! News
In doing a quick scan of the news before Mink Hippie and I catch our flight, I came across this story. I’m sure she would want Incredible Fukn.us readers to know this latest development in West African politics. On a related note, we caught Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf on C-Span the other night. She is a great…
Santorum funneled earmarks, charity money to Philly faith-based group accused of political activity
. I can’t think of Rick Santorum without remembering the use that Dan Savage suggested for the word “santorum…” A faith-based Philadelphia group at the center of a flap over whether tax-exempt religious groups are aiding the re-election campaign of U.S. Sen Rick Santorum has won more than $250,000 in federal grant money pushed for…
Cindy Sheehan on B***'s use of the word "volunteer"
If they “volunteered” to go get killed, can they unvolunteer? […Bush:] “Ours is an amazing nation where thousands have volunteered to serve our country. They volunteered to – many volunteered after 9/11, knowing full well that their time in the military could put them in harm’s way.” Notice how many times George says a variation…