Week ending 8/16/20 Global Covid Cases: 21,715,859 Global Covid Deaths: 770836 New Deaths: 39,131 an average of 5,590 per day, down slightly from last week’s 5,845 per day average US Covid Cases: 5,541,022 US Covid Deaths: 172,836 New Deaths: 7576 – average of 1082 – just slightly up from 1024 per day dying average last…
Category: Politics
Weekly Update for Week ending August 9, 2020 – Pandemic and Politics
8/9/20 Global Covid Cases: 19,918,914 Global Covid Deaths: 731,705 New Deaths: 40,918 – 5,845 per day average – about the same as last week’s 5724 but a little higher US Covid Cases: 5,165,337 US Covid Deaths: 165,260 New Deaths: 7,166 – 1024 per day dying average – down just a bit from last week’s 1220…
The History of the World and the Three Religions Which Rule It
I’m extremely bothered by the way we exist. It’s taken me a long time to realize that most people either don’t notice, don’t care, or are too busy trying to make a decent life for themselves or their loved ones to be able to spend time on these things. I, unfortunately, am unable to simply…
News Update for Week of 7/26/2020
7/26/2020 Global Covid Cases: 16,306,788 Global Covid Deaths: 650,122 New Deaths: 43,648 avg of 6235 per day up from 5340 last week US Covid Cases: 4,336,782 US Covid Deaths: 149,557 New Deaths: 6631 avg of 947 per day up from 764 last week Hawaii Covid Cases: 1620 Hawaii Covid Deaths: 26 Oahu Covid Cases: 1291…
News Roundup for Week ending July 12, 2020
This is my weekly news roundup for the week of 7/12/20/ World Covid Cases: 12,925,331 World Covid Deaths: 569,097 (34084 newly dead – 4,869/day – from 4639 last week) : US. Covid Cases: 3,380,429 US Covid Deaths: 137576 (5189 newly dead – 741 deaths per day from 597 last week) This felt like…
A Manifesto of Peopolism
A Manifesto of Peopolism [pronounced {pee-ah-pol-ism}] For too long, humanity has boxed themselves into outdated and antiquated -isms that were created to describe different times, different strategies, and different human conditions than those which exist today. The -isms of yesterday are no longer useful – and in some cases have been proven to be deadly…
An Open Letter to America’s Billionaires – Change Humanity’s Future
Dear Billionaires, I’ve done my best to join you, but so far – I haven’t even gotten close. The reason I’ve tried wasn’t because I want to be a rich guy with a big swimming pool and a fancy car collection. Nor is it that I want any of the other trappings of wealth and…
Sociopathism – American Capitalism is a Serious Problem
Lobsters generally don’t know the water around them is getting hotter until it is too late. Look, I admire entrepreneurship. I think that the marketplace of ideas and products is a wonderful thing. I am a firm believer in the idea that if you work hard, make sacrifices, and tread carefully – you should be…
Wage Slavery and Control Systems
A huge focus of my life’s work has been identifying and rebelling against individual control systems – while this may not at first be apparent when looking at the parts of my work – when taken as a whole – the message is clear. My goal has always been that of maximizing human individual freedom….
During Possible Iran Crisis – Investors fled to the safety of Bitcoin
It was fantastic to watch a possible crisis flare up (unnecessarily) with the assassination of a government official and all that followed – thankfully, much to our surprise – calmer heads prevailed – personally, we believe that it was an investment ploy to control the direction of markets – as well as a trial balloon…