Can you look at this and say that you are glad you are paying taxes? Did you ever think about not paying? Want to find out more? click here. cd Death and Taxes: A Visual Guide to Where Your Federal Tax Dollars Go About Death and Taxes: “Death and Taxes” is a representational graph of…
Category: Politics
George Bush Stepping on 911 Flag
I found this at BoingBoing and absolutely have to repost it here…. Photo of president stepping on 9-11 US flag. To paraphrase George Orwell: “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a shoe stamping on a symbol of freedom – forever.” (Photo from Reuters)
I found this editorial in the NY Times this morning. I think it sums things up pretty well… cd The feelings of sadness and loss with which we look back on Sept. 11, 2001, have shifted focus over the last five years. The attacks themselves have begun to acquire the aura of inevitability that comes…
Saddam saw al-Qaeda as a threat….
Wow, can you believe it? There is no link between Saddam and al-Qaeda or pre invasion Iraq and al-Qaeda…someone better tell the President. Oh, that’s right, they told him after 9-11. They told him before we invaded, and they told him plenty of times since and yet, last week, he was still demanding that we…
Republican Disney trying to blame 9-11 on a Blowjob
Just in case you were wondering who to blame 9-11, the war on terror, the mess in Iraq, all the dead on both sides, and the loss of civil liberties combined with a decline in quality of life throughout most of the world, those family oriented, compassionate conservatives at Disney are pointing their finger with…
* CAMP DEMOCRACY September 5 – 21, Washington D.C. * Supporters of war protester Sheehan to move group to Washington By Associated Press WASHINGTON – Anti-war demonstrators who protested near President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, said Tuesday they are planning to shift their protests to Washington next month. The planned protests and events, which will be known as Camp Democracy, emerged from activist…
Factoid of the Day
According to a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll carried out in July, more than one-third of Americans suspect U.S. officials helped in the September 11 attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could later go to war.
Work makes you free…unless you are sentenced to a death camp.
An Italian politician has used the “work makes you free” slogan that topped the gates at Auschwitz in a brochure to promote local job centres, saying he could not remember the source but was impressed by the quote. News agency Ansa reported the vice-president of the Jewish community in Rome had sharply criticised Tommaso Coletti,…
Ken Starr vs. Free Speech in the 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' case
Starr is taking this case pro bono – against a high school student who displayed an “offensive” banner OFF CAMPUS. JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Former Whitewater special counsel Kenneth Starr petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to take up Alaska’s “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” case, a dispute involving a high school student, a banner and a…
BlogExplosion – K-Squared Ramblings
I spotted this at BlogExplosion – K-Squared Ramblings with the following text… “Random tagging or someone who got the point of the PSA and took it too far.”