Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Category: Oddities
other odd stuff
Real Estate, the Global Obsession – New York Times
This article neglects mentioning the absurd housing market in Hawaii where the average job is slightly more than minimum wage and the cost of living is just slightly below Manhattan or S.F. Is there cause for concern? Probably. Real Estate, the Global Obsession – New York Times
Enlightenment Coffeehouses and Blogs
It’s a pdf file…take a second and look… Hammersley_Reboot_2005.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Urinal Fun!
When you pee on it, the magic message appears! Someone is a genius. Kleine Botschaft
NPR : CIA Experts Still Spooked by Kryptos Puzzle
This is a cool story. Why have I never heard of this before? NPR : CIA Experts Still Spooked by Kryptos Puzzle
FuknBooks Forum
The Fuknbooks forum is a place to discuss books. Books you hate, books you love, books you like, books you want, books you think should be banned, books you wrote, books you’re selling….it just needs to be populated…go post something there…okay? FuknBooks Forum :: Index
The Onion | Bush Lifts Ban On Vigilantism
“Let’s give vigilantism a go and see how things shake out. Why not?” Bush tells a stunned congress. The Onion | Bush Lifts Ban On Vigilantism
Great White shark attacks New Jersey surfer
Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water…. Great White shark attacks New Jersey surfer – Yahoo! News
Off To Work I Go
This is my friend Melissa’s site. Hate your job? Got horrible coworker stories? Want to let everyone know about the boss’s affair? Tell it here…or read about it… Off To Work I Go
Same-sex unions are pseudo-matrimony: Pope
I would say that a pope that belonged to Hitler youth, that is anti gay, anti choice, anti woman, and anti freedom….is a pseudo-pope. Let’s hope this one dies faster than the last one. Same-sex unions are pseudo-matrimony: Pope