It’s a start, but there really needs to be more than this. There need to be incentives for wind, solar, thermal, and more alternative technology. Never mind lowering prices, raise the price of conventional energy to make the other sources more competitive….bring on the blackouts Linda! cd Governor Wants Move Toward Renewable Energy – Yahoo!…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
Mars express: only a three hour trip
Maybe they should put this in Burt Rutan and Richard Branson’s hands instead….might take a few years less…. cd From Welcome to Mars express: only a three hour trip IAN JOHNSTON SCIENCE CORRESPONDENT AN EXTRAORDINARY “hyperspace” engine that could make interstellar space travel a reality by flying into other dimensions is being investigated by…
Male fertility kit goes on sale
Ever wonder??? Now you can find out at home. The world’s first over-the-counter home fertility test for men has been developed by scientists at Birmingham University. The Fertell test works in less than an hour and gives couples an early warning of potential fertility problems. Researchers looked at samples from 150 men and they claim…
10 Best Gadgets of the Year
Here they are folks straight from David Pogue at the NY Times…the best 10 gadgets of the year…of course, if I can ever find the backing to embark upon the project I like to call Pahrump, you will see it in one of these year end lists someday… cd Here they are, the 10 best…
List of the 50 Best Robots Ever
The holidays have been somewhat hectic here at and I realize that I have been a post and run sort of editor for the most part as late…I will work on that. Of course over New Years weekend MH and I will be taking a short hiatus….just a warning for ya… Yesterday we had…
World's largest robot show opens in Japan
I’ll post more on this as time goes on…. cd World’s largest robot show opens in Japan Thursday December 1 2005 TOKYO: Robots that perform medical, welfare and security jobs are taking part at the largest robot show in the world, opening here on Wednesday. Robots, manufactured and designed by 152 companies and 40 organisations…
Google and Burning Man
I find this somewhat amazing and very inspiring…just cool really…no wonder google is so cool…. cd Google Is Really About Money, Money and More Money: Book Review Nov. 23 (Bloomberg) — The world is rightly fascinated by the success story that is Google Inc. How do I get to be a 30-something multibillionaire like the…
Kill Bill's Browser – Switch to Firefox
Kill Bill’s Browser – Switch to Firefox 1. You’ll only see porn when you want to. Sick of seeing pornographic pop-ups all over your computer while you’re helping your daughter with a research project? Since Firefox blocks pop-ups, you won’t get tons of porn in your face when you’re least expecting it. On the flip…
Asia Times Online :: Korea News and Korean Business and Economy, Pyongyang News
Asia Times Online :: Korea News and Korean Business and Economy, Pyongyang News Robots go for gold SEOUL – An international robot competition kicked off here on Thursday to showcase the latest technological advances in robotics, organizers said. A total of 320 contestants from 10 countries are participating in the four-day 2005 International Robot Olympiad…
ARS Electronica CENTER
Okay folks…check this out…why isn’t this more popular than the x-box? If you’ve ever read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card…doesn’t this ring a bell? ARS Electronica CENTER Enter the virtual reality of âGulliverâs Worldâ? and become a part of it! On the 1st Underground Level of the Ars Electronica Center, the borders between the…