This might seem at first glance to be just a simple story, but if you take a moment to think about it further, it raises some very interesting questions….things like 1) Are rain and the water it produces a finite resource? 2) Does creating artificial rain in one place affect rainfall in another place? 3)…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
Google CEO, co-founders stick to $1 salary in 2006 – Yahoo! News
What a gesture! What have google shareowners done to recieve such self-sacrificing CEO’s? While I think being a responsible fair businessperson is admirable, I am about sick to shit of these psuedo-martyrs red herring the world into thinking that somehow giving up 200 million to build a billion is anything but what it is. Make…
Knots on the Web (Peter Suber)
I find this to be the absolute finest in everything knots. Why would you want this you may ask? Are knots boring? I think not. Explore and behold. I guarantee you’ll be tying something up, tying something to something else or slipping something around your neck within 15 minutes. Bernest Knots on the Web (Peter…
Anti-gang noise box switched off
A noise nuisance device being used by shopkeepers to deter gangs of youths has been banned at a Newport shop – in case it breaches human rights. The Spar shop in Caerleon Road has been told by Newport Community Safety Partnership (NCSP) not to use it. The device, called a Mosquito, works by emitting a…
How can a space satellite track Ebola?
By doing what satellites do well – tracking the changes in landscape such as rainfall, vegetation cover, water, height, dust and temperature – to identify the climatic conditions that help epidemic hosts such as Ebola haemorrhagic fever and meningitis to spread. The Epidemio project, funded by the European Space Agency and started in January 2004,…
Jason Bradbury: DIY Hoverboard: Walk-through
This is pretty cool…build your own hoverboard…I might do this with a LooseScrew someday…how fukn cool would that be? cd Jason Bradbury: DIY Hoverboard: Walk-through First up, I want to reference the fact that several sites on the web have plans for building a ‘human puck.’ My build is based on their work, with a…
Walking the Walk …Not.
In yet another case of actions speaking louder than words, jobs were recently cut at a renewable energy research facility at just about the same time Bush is calling for increased research…the department of energy is trying to cover his ass by restoring the jobs before he visits the lab… Typical of the Bush administration…….
So Long, Dalai Lama: Google Adapts to China
This chilling article shows a little of what the future holds. I arrived in China in 2001. An earthquake hit Seattle as I left. A big earthquake. The thing was, when I arrived, China was trying out its National Firewall for the first time, so there was virtually no news available that wasn’t produced in…
Fossett Breaks Flight Distance Record
I love these multi millionaire adventure guys…I want to be one…I just need to get my multi millions first… cd MANSTON, England – Adventurer Steve Fossett completed the longest nonstop flight in aviation history Saturday, flying 26,389 miles in about 76 hours, but he had to land early because of mechanical problems. Ground control said…
Beggar: the robotic panhandling proxy – Engadget
Leave it to the Slovs to come up with the perfect robotic companion for the homeless….nevermind that it only speaks Slovenian, any homeless guy with half a brain knows that you just put a cardboard sign on it that says…”Homeless Robot, Electricity is Expensive, Please Help!” cd Beggar: the robotic panhandling proxy – Engadget We’re…