Thanks to Chuck for sending this story our fukn way. Check out the video. cd New Scientist Tech – Powered shoes – perfect for a virtual stroll – Breaking News A pair of motorised roller skates that cancel out a person’s steps could let users naturally explore virtual reality landscapes in confined spaces. The “Powered…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
Data on stolen VA laptop supposedly not accessed
The data analyst who took the laptop home has basically been blamed for making a big mistake in doing so. Yet, according to this article, the analyst had permission since 2002 to take home his or her laptop, to use software at home which is designed to work with large databases, and to have access…
Dude, It's a Dell…and it's burning!
Dell investigating exploding laptop incident The report of an exploding laptop at a conference in Osaka, Japan, accompanied by digital photos, was first published on technology industry news Web site The Inquirer last week. Dell in December 2005 issued a battery recall for some of the batteries in its laptop due to overheating issues, according…
Huge Asteroid Coming on July 3rd
Don’t worry, it’s not supposed to hit…so you can still watch the fireworks on July 4th. If you want to see what a collision might look like have a look at Ursi’s Blog though…. cd Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth July 3 An asteroid possibly as large as a half-mile or more in diameter…
Strange Future Tech Blog
Thanks to Chuck for sending my attention to the following blog ( and story… cd If we’re not absorbing information at an alarming and astounding rate 24/7, we start feeling a little hollow and frivolous, being surrounded with all this connected technology and what not. Thankfully Manabe Hiroyuki (pictured) at NTT DoCoMo took the time…
Honey, would you pick up some test tube burgers?
Somehow I would feel less comfortable eating test tube meat than killing an animal and eating its flesh. This is a little too bizzarre… cd Wired News: Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table Henk Haagsman, a professor of meat sciences at Utrecht University, and his Dutch colleagues are working on growing artificial pork meat out…
I'm a junkie….are you?
I am a definite junkie….(Thanks Chuck!) cd Neuroscientists have proposed a simple explanation for the pleasure of grasping a new concept: The brain is getting its fix. The “click” of comprehension triggers a biochemical cascade that rewards the brain with a shot of natural opium-like substances, said Irving Biederman of the University of Southern California….
Chinese Students Take Cheating to a New Level
You can’t really blame them…9.5 million spots for 2.6 million students means you have to take every advantage you can….these guys and girls weren’t writing on the back side of their watches…in some cases they went too far… cd A student in Wuhan, capital of China’s central province of Hubei, used earphones so small that…
How often are emergency exits used? Are seats getting smaller? Can you open an emergency door in midflight? And answers to other questions you always wondered about airline travel but felt too moronic and paranoid to ask
Two weeks ago, a disturbed man aboard a United Airlines flight out of Chicago had to be subdued after claiming to have a bomb and attempting to open a cabin door during flight. Passengers, along with three Secret Service agents en route to join President Bush’s entourage in California, wrestled Jose Manuel Pelayo-Ortega to the…
These people are nuts. But it is interesting….
Be sure to check out the great offer on Android fingers “over 50 parts per finger!” The site is a real occular juggler to boot. By the by, this is Valerie, a domestic android. Nice ass for a bucket of bolts…B.E.Android20World20-20anthropomorphic20robots202620animatronics