To find out more about this incredible event invented by the country that had mobile phones in every hand in the 80’s and that inspired a plastic boot maker called Nokia to make small mobiles….check out the official phone throwing site Anyone wanting to throw away their mobile phone can do it in style…
Category: Technology
techno stuff
The nine, er eight, uh maybe 10…so what is Pluto now?
I think there continues to be some confusion as to how many planets exist…and what a planet is, etc. In the meantime, I like the pneumonic …Malika’s Vibraphone Elicits More Jubilant Sounds Under Nightfall ..You know, it is important to have something personally meaningful…. cd “My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.” That…
Granddad starts Aging Backwards with Hormone Treatment!!!
There is apparently hope beyond viagra… cd The Sunday Mail – NEWS – news feed – EXCLUSIVE: I FELL ILL AND GREW 20 YEARS YOUNGER A GRANDAD suffering from a rare disease has found a bizarre side effect to his treatment – it makes him look 20 years younger. Reggie Myles, 62, feared he would…
Sharpest Manmade Object Ever: A Tungsten Needle – Gizmodo
Sharpest Manmade Object Ever: A Tungsten Needle – Gizmodo The picture you’re looking at on the left is the tip of a tungsten needle, which happens to be the sharpest object ever made by man. How sharp is it? Well, you see those red and black orbs? Those are ATOMS! And the tip of the…
Green pigment spins chip promise
An unpopular pigment used by artists in the 18th Century could lead to more energy efficient, faster computers. Cobalt green, as the dye is known, has been tested by a US team who believe it could be used in “spintronic” devices. Spintronics involves manipulating the magnetic properties of electrons to do useful computational work. Cobalt…
Dubai man-made island nears completion
This is amazing. As the oceans dissolve amidst global warming we can fill in the area with leisure capitals. We are terra-forming ala star trek. Now if we can figure out how to keep from killing ourselves or poisoning the planet, we can really begin to go somewhere. Check it out here cd Dubai man-made…
Sex in Space: Doing It Next to the Warp Drive
How human the up-and-coming business of space tourism will be! Early space tourists will marvel at the view, but as orbital vacations become more affordable, space tourists will include couples who want to experience space and weightlessness together. Sex in Space is the “killer app” that will transform space tourism into a mega business. Making…
Russia Seeks Volunteers for Simulated Mars Mission
This sounds like a good opportunity for hard core gamers. Or for couch potatoes. Or for writers. Or for people that are generally antisocial. Of course, how much would it suck if you were trapped on the ship with a Barney Fife, Gilbert Gottfried, or some other annoying companion. cd Shut-Ins Wanted: Russia Seeks Volunteers…
Look Ma, No Hands!!!!
Chuck sends me this mind blowing article…click on the link and read the whole thing…we are living in the future…wow! cd Future Boy: This is your brain on Google SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) – — Two years ago, a quadriplegic man started playing video games using his brain as a controller. That may just…
Broken wine bottles, trashed boats…1500 year old Byzantine Port is almost Modern
That’s Istanbul not Constantinople…looks like my yahoo email is working again. Now that it has also been completely excavated…stick to cd ISTANBUL, Turkey – It seems a typical scene of urban decay: abandoned buildings, crumbling walls, trash and broken wine bottles. Yet it’s more than 1,500 years old. Engineers uncovered these ruins of an…