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Category: Technology
techno stuff
Steorn- Free Energy? Maybe.
If, the claims of Steorn are true, the world is going to change…like the kind of change that came about when Copernicus looked up. cd Our Claim – Steorn Our Claim Orbo produces free, clean and constant energy – that is our claim. By free we mean that the energy produced is done so without…
How to build your own fusion reactor…
This is incredible and scary….it was found at (Thanks Kim!) It’s staring to feel like a theme week. [Eric] reminded me of this 17 year old who built his own fusion reactor. Being me, I had to look around for more. I found the open source fusor research consortium. I found plans, research, and…
Bizarre Hexagon Spotted on Saturn
One of the most bizarre weather patterns known has been photographed at Saturn, where astronomers have spotted a huge, six-sided feature circling the north pole. Rather than the normally sinuous cloud structures seen on all planets that have atmospheres, this thing is a hexagon. The honeycomb-like feature has been seen before. NASA’s Voyager 1 and…
French 'X' Files go public….
Here is the link: PARIS (AFP) – France became the first country to open its files on UFOs Thursday when the national space agency unveiled a website documenting more than 1,600 sightings spanning five decades. The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from…
Ice at the poles—of Mars….
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A spacecraft orbiting Mars has scanned huge deposits of water ice at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36 feet of water if they were liquid, scientists said on Thursday. The scientists used a jointNASA-Italian Space Agency radar instrument on the European Space Agency Mars Express spacecraft…
Blood Moon Coming on Saturday!!!
Get your garlic ready!!!! cd LONDON – The moon will turn shades of amber and crimson Saturday night as it passes behind the Earth’s shadow in the first total lunar eclipse in three years. The eclipse will be at least partly visible from Asia to the Americas, although those in Europe, Africa and the Middle…
Houses Woven Out of Trees- Inspiration for your mission today!
Sometimes we think we know the only way to do things…for instance, to build a house of wood you must create lumber, or at least chop down trees. Only if you want to live in a box (literally and metaphorically) . It drives me nuts to hear people talk about the only way to do…
Serious use for Silly String
In an age of multimillion-dollar high-tech weapons systems, sometimes it’s the simplest ideas that can save lives. Which is why a New Jersey mother is organizing a drive to send cans of Silly String to Iraq. American troops use the stuff to detect trip wires around bombs, as Marcelle Shriver learned from her son, a…
US plans permanent base on Moon
OK, you know what the problem with this is? (I sound like Andy Rooney….) But, there is a problem! It perpetuates the illusion that we can just go and settle somewhere else when we finish trashing the planet we are on. I believe that people are numb to warnings about environmental destruction not because they…